Too much pressure, Jurassic for Dummies, Cap

My Saturday was very, very busy.  Cindy was out the door early to go volunteer at the kids triathlon.  Since I was up and had a list on the counter of things to do I got busy.  Weeding and weed whacking the property took me close to two hours, I was finishing it up when Cindy pulled back into the driveway with Nicki and Sadie in tow.  She picked them up from Ali’s after the race for a weekend stay.

After we ate lunch I launched a massive pressure washing session where I cleaned the most amount of things that I can recall.  Bird cages, gutters, flashing, sidewalk, plastic lumber, sheds, pool cage frames, pavers, fence posts, stucco, rain barrel stands, concrete pads, and more were all targets of the 25 degree wide, 3000 psi stream.  It was a brutal session that did not wind up until close to 5PM.

Certain areas do not respond to pressure cleaning alone.  The back wall of the small shed is one of these.  Even after blasting the shit out of it there was still black spotting on the vinyl siding.  Hitting the wall with a bleach/water mix was necessary to get the siding looking normal again. I was a bit stupid when I initially was brushing straight bleach on by hand with a brush over my head.   Of course this resulted in bleach splashing on my face and narrowly missing my eye.  After shooting my face with water I changed my technique.

jworld-banner-44[1]On Saturday night Cindy and I went to see Jurassic World, one of the summer’s big budget films.  I was a big fan of the first couple Jurassic films with the first obviously being the best.  I was skeptical what a 4th iteration of the series would produce but the previews looked interesting to me.

The movie started out pretty well, it had what you want in a dinosaur movie, cool dinosaurs and good action.  However as the film went on it seemed like the writers of the script phoned it in.  The story got very predictable, silly, and campy. By the time it was over I wasn’t sure if I just watched Jurassic World or Godzilla versus Mothra.   When the lights came back on Cindy asked if I liked the movie.  I told her I felt like it was made for someone with an IQ of 85. It just got really, really dumb.   Overall it may barely touch B+ status but I really felt the story was so dumb that I need to officially rate it a B to maintain the legitimacy of my movie rating reputation. 😉

In addition to the movie we had sidebar “entertainment” 4 or 5 seats to our left.  There was a group of four young people, I think it was two girls and two guys.  I am guessing they were late teens, early 20’s.  They were being annoying a good portion of the film.  Of course they were unable to keep their hands off their smart phones during the movie.  Asking a kid that age to not touch their phone for a period of two hours is almost like asking them to hold their breath an equivalent amount of time.

So if the glowing screen during the movie wasn’t annoying enough, they also had periods of prolonged whispering and giggling that drew stinkeye glances from me but especially Cindy which made them settle down slightly.  When the movie was over the group of four got up before the lights were turned on and started exiting on the side opposite us.  All of a sudden we heard the unmistakable sound of somebody falling down the steps.  One of the girls took a major spill down the stairs, perhaps because she was busy texting on her phone or chemically altered.  Whatever the cause, I did not have a millisecond of concern regarding her well being when she fell.  It actually was a better ending than what was on screen.

Yesterday Cindy was gone the majority of the day at an aqua instructor course, giving me a very rare day at the homestead myself.  I took the girls on an errand run with me which included a stop at Pinch A Penny.  The pool pump was dead and just humming on Sunday morning, a symptom I knew was from a dead capacitor, since I had it happen in March 2013.  Two years seemed like a brief lifespan for the capacitor, especially since they cost $50.  I dropped another 50 bucks Sunday, hoping it is the last cap replacement I have to do on the pump.

I attended to a number of small to do’s around the house during the day but I also had some time to just do some mindless WoW sessions.  I did use one of my free level 90 boosts for Cindy’s virtual WoW character so if she ever gets the bug to play she can do so without being 100 levels behind me.

The baby chicks are doing well and seem to enjoy their L shaped living arrangements.  They happily run around pretty much all day long.  Even though the square footage the 11 birds have is pretty substantial, one day is all that patch of grass is good for thanks to the incredible amount of waste products fast growing chickens generate.  By the end of the day the grass the coops are on is a poopy mess.  Even once the 11 chicks are moved into the big permanent coop there is going to be a lot of daily mess to deal with, even with the bigger accommodations.