Re-skinned, DC’d

IMG_0067Yesterday I got word that the finish line arch I had bought used last year had completed it’s refurbishment process.  You may recall the arch had a section where the paint was flaking off and it needed to be rebranded for GMT.  I found a place down in Texas that was willing to do the work so I shipped it off to them a couple months ago.

The top 2/3 of the arch has been completely replaced.  The painted 45 degree area has been replaced with a dark green, non-painted material.  The yellowed white top section was removed and replaced with black which will hold up better, showing less dirt/wear.   The areas where the logos go now are branded with GMT however the signage is velcro attached, meaning if there was a situation where an event wanted their own branding on the arch it could be accommodated. I should have the arch back sometime next week.  I look forward to seeing it in action sometime later in 2016.

During the week Cindy has been working on getting the indoor Xmas decorations put away.  Last night when I got home we completed the task by disassembling and bagging up the two artificial trees, returning them to their 11 month sentence in the small shed.  As always, removing the holiday cheer from the house brings a degree of sadness to my heart. This weekend we will complete the dirty deed by taking down the outside decorations as well.  This years decorations were the best ever in my opinion.

This weekend in addition to pulling down lights I have to do a major server upgrade at the office.  Luckily I should be able to work at the office from home thanks to the wonders of robust remote control.  We also would like to get out to the movies.  The last movie was saw was Star Wars in NYC, the last movie we went out to see down here was probably 6-7 weeks ago, an eternity for us.