
So yesterday the governor of Florida finally caved to a mountain of pressure and declared a statewide stay at home order.  It’s the same basic structure as other state orders where the general populace is supposed to stay home except for essential needs.  It also dictates non-essential public facing businesses close. The list of essential businesses however is quite large and a bit fuzzy in definition.  This order lasts throughout the month of April.

The order’s affect on me is minimal as since our offices collect state fees we are deemed as essential services.  More than likely we will continue to move forward being closed to the public but still having employees report at 50% staffing levels to do things like process mail and answer the phones.  The 50% staffing policy has not been applied to our department as our jobs aren’t really dependent on customer traffic.

I continue to be very mindful of my interactions with other people as well as cognizant of cleaning my hands after touching anything out in the public space.  When I get home my work clothes go right into the wash machine and after I take care of the chickens I jump in the shower to clean off, just in case.  Because Cindy is very concerned about contracting Covid 19 because of her health issues we have been sleeping in different bedrooms and using separate bathrooms.  The living together yet apart dynamic has not been an easy change and the way things are lining up I don’t see even a speck of light at the end of the tunnel.