Still spinning

Last night after work I climbed back on the Echelon bike to do a half hour ride.  The class was designated as a “recovery ride” yet by the end of it I was still a sweaty mess and had burned over 300 calories.  I think I really have found my cardio replacement for running which doesn’t come with the same potential pain penalty in my knees, hips or lower back.

I seem to be in one of those patterns where I can’t find any free time to just sit down and veg out in WoW for awhile.  It feels like other things are always commanding my attention.  Hell as soon as I get up each morning my ritual has become immediately heading into the hobby room to feed the printers and address any issues that could have popped up overnight.  Sometimes as I am eating my breakfast at my desk I am packing up a stand for an order at the same time so I can get it turned around and shipped out asap.  I realize that all of the stuff that commands my attention are decisions I make.  Maybe I am just yearning for less decisions.