Special Delivery, Rooftop, Pink, Poop, Ugly Truth
Saturday morning I got done with my early chores with the chickens and weeding the property. I threw two gas cans and the empty chlorine containers in the back of the Tacoma which were to be filled as part of the errands run. Cindy’s mom had just moved into her new place and Cindy had been searching FB Marketplace for some furniture for her. She came across a great deal on some furniture that I did not think would last long. Cindy called the woman and found out she was in Bonita Springs, the direction we were headed.
I suggested to Cindy that we go there now so we can pay for the stuff, grab what fits and then come back for the rest later. The woman was down with the plan so our destination was rerouted on the fly. When we entered the address the location looked to be by the water, interesting.
So as we pulled up we were in front of a large condo building. It turns out this place is on the third floor, something that didn’t come up during the phone conversation. So we went up to take a look at the furniture which seemed to be in good shape despite the ridiculously low price. Cindy was getting something like 8 pieces for 75 dollars, including a sofa, shelf unit, a few tables, chairs and a rolling cart. The issue was how we were going to get the stuff downstairs.
I said that my preference would be to try to get the biggest pieces out on the first trip so Cindy could come back with the truck herself later to grab the small things. First out was the sofa, it was the longest piece but relatively light. To get it into the elevator required us to angle it upward awkwardly but somehow we wedged it in there. Next I wanted to tackle the shelf unit which was shorter but much taller and heavier. The lady’s significant other helped me with this piece thankfully. It just barely fit into the elevator. When I dropped it inside the elevator I did so on top of big toe, causing the nail to cut the skin, seeping blood in a gross manner. I had not left the house wearing footwear appropriate for moving furniture.
The big piece went in the back of the truck next to the sofa but I had to leave the tailgate down and rely on my ratcheting strap to lock it in place. We brought down a few of the smaller pieces of furniture and the cushions, wedging them in strategically. The empty chlorine and gas jugs had to be stuffed into/under furniture as well, it was quite the configuration. After loading and securing we carefully made our way to Cindy’s mom’s new place, avoiding the interstate, making the trip longer but safer. Cindy’s mom seemed to like the furniture and could not believe it was that cheap. I got a quick tour of the new place which seemed nice and easier to take care of. Cindy’s mom is pushing 80 so smaller is better.
When we got home Cindy prepared a quick lunch. As we were finishing Deb showed up. Cindy called and asked her if she wanted to come along to pick up the small items and then hang out that night which she agreed to. I headed outside for a non-stop taskathon which included weed whacking followed by mowing the few parts of the yard that are actually growing during our dry season drought. The grand finale involved me grabbing my electric pressure washer.
The corner of the metal roof by the large oak tree was covered in gunk, looking almost black in sections. I wanted to blast it away to restore a uniform look. Washing a metal roof is risky business. Every step you take has to be on one of the exposed screw heads for traction, the bare metal, especially when wet can take on almost an ice-like slipperiness. Luckily both the electric cord and hose on the pressure washer are long, allowing me to cover a large section without having to move the pump unit.
The pressure wand did a great job of clearing the tree residue off the roof however while I was up there I then targeted the leaves and other shit I saw piled up in the gutters. Now I had gutter screens installed on part of the roof line but even those had leaves and shit piled on top of them. As I blasted the gutters it was like a blizzard of organic matter showering on the ground underneath. Once it all dries some time with the blower will be required to get all the leaves pushed away from the house.
So once I got the leaves blown out I returned to the ground and noticed the outside of the gutters had scuzz growing on them as well so they had to get blasted too. I concluded with doing a quick blast of the lanai floor near both doors, which gets dirty pretty quickly. By the time I limped back inside it was 6PM, sheesh. I had gotten a message from Cindy that her and Deb were returning with Burger Fi for dinner which was nice. In the meantime I took a shower and was laying in our bed, watching curling on tv when they got back, I was beat.
We enjoyed the meal while watching the new documentary about Pink on Amazon, Cindy and Deb are both huge fans. I like Pink’s music as well but I found the documentary to be really interesting. Seeing behind the curtain was cool and the way they mixed it with her concert performances was just the right ratio. It made me appreciate her more as a person and artist, the girls of course loved it.
Sunday morning Cindy and I did the chlorine run and Rural King stop that got bypassed on Saturday. During the Rural King visit Elsa decided she would take a dump in the middle of the store. Cindy did a mad scramble to contain the shrapnel, it was quite the mess.
I had some cleaning chores I knocked out in the afternoon before I headed out for a quick ride on my 16X to the nearby Dunkin Donuts. On the way back I stopped to talk about an aspect of my EUC hobby that doesn’t get much attention, the risk for injury.
Last night Cindy powered through the last few episodes of Jupiter’ Legacy on Netflix, a superhero based series that we both really enjoyed. We started on another Netflix series called Pine Gap which has nothing to do with superheroes but we are finding interesting as well.