How deep the rabbit hole goes, Clear the dark in the dark

I was pretty down in the dumps after losing/burying Fiona in the early AM hours.  One of the things I was concerned with was how the lone surviving hen, Kathy would react to being by herself.  I have read/heard multiple times that barnyard animals are communal beings and do not react well to being alone.  I did something most would see as crazy as a result, I bought a fake chicken.

This chicken was on Amazon and was roughly the size of a small bird.  My thought process was I could move it around the yard and put it on the perch with Kathy at night to give her semblance of company.  I may be delusional and just imparting my own emotions onto a chicken.  Maybe she won’t care at all.  I guess we will find out when the fake fowl arrives in several days.

Last night I felt like clearing some of darkness in my mind related to Fiona and a few other things.  I grabbed my Z10 and Elsa and headed to the park.  I gave Elsa a choice if she wanted to walk which she declined so I just let her sleep in the truck while I did laps around the park for maybe a half hour.

Getting out on a PEV definitely has therapeutic qualities for me which is why I should make the effort to do it as much as possible.