Pause, Jerked
So I got a ship notice on the new tubes I need to complete the upgrade to my Kingsong S22. The bad news is since they are coming from Canada they won’t arrive until next week. My hobby room looks like a bomb went off in there. Having it stay that way until I can finish up the project is not a situation I am fond of.
I had my second chiropractor appointment this morning. I have seen definite improvement since my initial visit. I still will get some pain in my sciatic area, especially first thing in the morning. I have also been trying to work in the stretches and exercises that he recommended to me. He again did the jerk the shit out of my leg routine. He added a sudden down pressure move when I was lying on my side. I walked out feeling better than when I walked in. He said he thinks after another couple sessions I should be good to go as long as I keep up stretching on my own.
I woke up today in a good mood, despite sleep that was broken at 4AM for an unknown reason. Life is weird.