Three years, Uncomfortable but necessary
Last night was a busy one for a Tuesday evening. I found myself running around doing domestic tasks for the majority of the night. One task was to list another one of my EUCs for sale, the Mten Mini. I already have my Sherman S for sale which I have gotten no serious interest in. The Mini was an impulse buy from months ago. I am trying to be a little more reasonable about my wheel collection and my spending choices in general.
I have my second work related conference in a month coming up next week so my mind is already identifying logistical objectives that need to happen before I leave. One of the things this upcoming conference also reminded me of was my split from Cindy which occurred right around this time three years ago. It seems hard to believe that three years has already flown by but the calendar does not lie. During that time period there has been an incredible amount of twists and turns in my direction. What was up turned down, what was right suddenly become left. It’s been a challenge, to say the least. The amount of change that has been placed in my path has been uncomfortable, but necessary.
I found this old live stream I did from the work conference three years ago. Although I didn’t directly reveal the split at this time you could tell there was something going on under the surface.