The Rear View

Last night after work was a pretty busy one. In addition to completing my mini-workout routine, laundry and a few other tasks I also shot a video regarding a new rear view mirror for my helmets. I have utilized a cheap bike helmet mirror on all of my helmets for a long time. With all of the riding I do mixed in with vehicles, knowing what is behind and or beside me is very valuable in keeping myself out of harms way.

The mirror is by a new company named Pidzoom. They have sent me a couple of their products in the past for free to review and they were both good. I paid for this mirror but it is worth it. The kit comes with tons of mounting options which allows the mirror to be used in pretty much any application you can imagine. Installation took a few minutes. Once it was installed I hopped on my Master V4 to get a real world test.

At first I thought I would do a quick spin around the block but the ride turned out to be longer than expected because I was enjoying myself. The Master V4 is smooth and powerful. It was stupid easy to get to 40MPH plus and plain stupid to do so since I only had a helmet and wrist guards on. I like the mirror so much that I am seriously considering buying one for all of my helmets that I use for the road.

Speaking of rear views, yesterday I had a person in my past that I have left behind for going on 9 months once again try inject themselves into my present reality. These attempts have been going on for several months and they always get handled the same way by me. I don’t acknowledge their presence. I think in their mind enough time has passed that communication could resume in some manner. They are incorrect.

There have been many times in my life where I found myself trapped looking behind me, dwelling on what was. That is a hard cycle to break as my mind was not willing to stop the negative loop thinking related to the past. The logical side of me knew and knows that allowing the past, which has already happened and is unchangeable to affect my present is a recipe for unhappiness. Even with this knowledge it’s hard to shake the pattern, at least for me. All I can control is today so I may as well put my energy towards making it as positive as possible. It’s a way of thinking I have to work on every single day but worth the effort.