A Live Again, Beach Board, Backyard plane, Reversal

Friday night I did something I had not done since the first week of July, a conventional live stream. The last one was when I was in California with my gang. I finally felt motivated enough to do one, again. The stream went well, running for more than two and a half hours. It felt good to get out there again.

Later in the weekend I let AI digest the live stream and spit out a 7 minute summary which was pretty accurate and interesting. You can check out both versions below.

Saturday morning I got up to play pickleball with my friend Sue. We had a good two hour session where I played well overall. During the afternoon I decided to take the Max 6 skateboard to the greenway to see how it would do in the varied terrain and longer distances. The answer is for the most part, great.

The two surfaces that were not much fun were sidewalks with significant joints and the boardwalk sections of the greenway which left my feet feeling a tingle. Other than that I had a great time on the Max 6. I am pleasantly surprised how much I have enjoyed getting back on an electric skateboard.

Saturday night I was invited to a birthday party of a guy I play volleyball with. He is a commercial airline pilot. He lives in a small development that has a private airport. He also has a plane hanger in his home, complete with plane.

The house is sort of the ultimate bachelor pad complete with pinball machines, a gym, a huge collection of tools, an elevator and even a disco ball. Before dinner I got to see a plane take off in the backyard, an experience I never had before.

I brought a collection of Cayman Jacks with me to the party to help relax my social interactions. I only knew a few people there from volleyball and mostly stuck to them but did manage to have some conversations with people I did not know, big for me. I was there for about three hours before heading home.

The Eagles were scheduled to play the Saints on Sunday. As of mid-morning I still had not renewed my Sunday Ticket and was pondering if I wanted to do so. The way the Birds crashed and burned last year really left a bad taste in my mouth plus I know that locking in every weekend 3-4 hours to watch the game, alone, isn’t necessarily something I want to do on a consistent basis. However I eventually decided I should renew, not wanting to break a 24 year tradition.

Going in the Saints looked nearly unstoppable as they pinned huge point totals on their opponents the first two games. Plus this game was in New Orleans. Instead most of the game was a defensive struggle with the score being 3-0 well into the second half. Again Siriani took risks that didn’t pay off, going for it on 4th down in chipshot field goal range and not getting it. Hurts also threw a bad interception into the Saints end zone as well as coughing up a fumble. Despite these miscues the Eagles were still in it although I thought they were going to blow it after allowing a late touchdown to the Saints, letting them pull ahead with only two minutes to go. The disappointment was already staged in my head.

Instead the Eagles got their own go ahead TD thanks to a huge pass to their tight end. However there was still enough time on the clock for the Saints to drive to get a game tying field goal. The idea of relying on the defense to make a stop is not something I have any confidence in. Instead of giving the game away as they did last week the defense came up big, getting pressure on the QB which resulted in a game ending interception. It was an unexpected win.

Despite the victory I feel less and less excited about Jalen Hurts. I don’t like how stoic he is. Philly fans love emotion, we want to see excitement when things go well and disappointment/anger when they don’t. Hurts has none of that. I also found it interesting when I noticed during a sideline conversation with the head coach, Jalen never looked directly at him, instead glancing back and forth. It just struck me as odd. It will be interesting to see how this season unfolds but I don’t think I am alone regarding my thoughts on Hurts.

The rest of my Sunday was pretty uneventful. In general I tried to keep myself busy and focused on things I can control. Focusing on things outside of that realm lends itself to feelings that are not welcomed.