Too late, Pulling them down, Happy Birthday

Last night I had a tentative plan to work more on my Master as I was supposed to be getting the remaining parts I need for the job in the mail. For whatever reason mail delivery at my place is not very consistent and the mailman did not show up until well after 7PM so I scrapped the idea. It may be part two of tonight’s plan.

Part one tonight is going to be removing the hurricane shutters from the windows. The storm that was potentially predicted for our area looks like a false alarm and I am tiring of having limited visibility outside. It took be about an hour to put them up. I am hoping I can take them down in half of that time. In the process of doing so I will be able to organize the storage of the shutters sequentially which will make installation the next time smoother instead of the piece meal process I went through this time.

Today is my sister Torrin’s 50th birthday. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea of her being 50, adding to my already bountiful paranoia about getting older than dirt. I know she is not a big fan of the idea either.