Archives 2024

Lackluster, Extend it

Last night I had my weekly volleyball session. It was the first time since I started playing Thursdays that my team lost more than it won. We had one guy on our team that really did not have the skills he should have to play with this group. I played ok in all aspects of the game except hitting. I hit a number of balls into the net which frustrated the F out of me. My legs just were not getting me out of the sand as my knees felt a little extra creaky. I still had fun but losing always turns down the enjoyment a few notches.

After playing I treated myself to a dinner at Brunina’s with my favorite bartender Megan. Since Easter has passed a decent amount of snowbirds have flocked north making the bar less full. I found out Megan is friends with Deb who I dated briefly back in 2013. Deb is also good friends with Cindy. It’s a small world.

Out of the blue this morning I decided to give myself a long weekend, putting in to take both Monday and Tuesday off, providing me with a nice four day weekend. I’ll put it to good use. The V13 that I traded for is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I have no less than a half dozen video ideas in my pipeline that I would like to get out there. Of course there are tons of other things that will keep my attention along the way.

Last year I continued with my string of home improvements, this time getting my smart garage door opener installed. I wish I kept accurate track of just how much I have spent on home improvements since moving. I’m pretty confident it’s crossed the 50k mark.

It works in the dark

Yesterday I mounted my suction cup GoPro mount to the glass roof of the Tesla to capture the new FSD in action. When I first got my Tesla years ago I did a LOT of Tesla content but that has pretty much dried up for the last couple years. I recorded both my drive to and from work.

On the way to work I intervened once to facilitate making a right turn out onto a busy roadway. The car was being cautious, I was being less so, relying on hard acceleration to get me merged in. On the way home the car did so with zero help from me. I did nothing but babysit the steering wheel and pedals, it was very impressive.

I ran to Costco last night and put FSD to it’s first night time test and it again passed with flying colors, taking me from the Costco parking lot to my house with zero interventions. I am very impressed with this latest iteration of full self driving and would love to have it on my car full time but I just can’t pay $200 a month for it, that’s stupid. If Tesla was smart they would drop the price by 50-75% and make up for it with a much a greater buy in rate. Here are the two videos of the trips, there will be more to come.

I got to remove the compression stocking this morning for hopefully the last time and take a normal shower. It’s now a wait and see to determine if the problem veins disappear as they should. I played pickleball yesterday with the compression stocking on which was technically outside what I should be doing but I got through it ok.

Last year I had two entries. The first one was a state of mind dump that was related to my ex. After reading this and realizing everything I allowed to happen after that point I just had to shake my head in disgust. I thought I had finally seen through the bullshit, seeing the error in my ways, or so it seemed. The second post was describing the whirlwind of improvements I had set in motion. The first few months at the new house were very, very busy.

Charging, Night Walker

Yesterday I had another vein appointment where they injected a substance into my shitty veins in my lower leg to cause them to close. I got some potentially good news that I could cancel my remaining appointment. The doctor said as long as these veins close as they should I won’t need to see him until June for a follow up ultrasound. I need to keep an eye on the treated areas to see if anything abnormal pops up. I am happy if I am indeed done with getting poked, prodded and burned, from the inside. I am now on another two day recovery cycle where I wear the stocking, restrict activity, and walk, a lot.

After work I loaded Elsa in the truck to go to Home Goods. I wanted to buy mats for the guest bathroom. Ever since I moved in I have had one mat in there, one from the old house. It was old, beige and didn’t really match the bathroom. When I have had guests I have had to throw a towel down as a bath mat. I picked up a set of two grey mats that are nothing fantastic but match color-wise and give a guest somewhere to step when they exit the tower/tub. All I really need to do in there yet is trim off the light install I did last week and that space should be done/done, in my book.

I did a video last night reviewing a fast charger I bought from my buddy Roger who lives in the LA area. The chargers he sells, aptly named Roger Charger, are high speed chargers that allow you to dramatically cut down on the time it takes to charge wheels with big batteries. Hopefully the video helps steer a couple more potential sales Roger’s way.

I took a total of three walks when I got home, per doctors orders. The last one was around 8:30 when it was fully dark. It was so quiet and peaceful with only a couple cars and a guy on a One Wheel sighted along the way. I have always enjoyed the solitude that night can bring to me. I have done several night walks recently because of the walking requirements post procedure. Then there was that infamous night walk I took around midnight this last Christmas Eve, but that is a story that can only be shared in person, after a number of drinks have been consumed.

Last year at this time I pulled the trigger on the start of my kitchen and bathroom cabinet/countertop remodel. This was the most expensive improvement I have made since moving into the house but also my favorite.

Grumpy drop off, It’s actually good now, Fooled you, Round three

Last night after work I hurried home to load up the two EUCs that I am trading which have been sitting boxed up in my kitchen for several days. I was shipping them via UPS. I had prepaid labels on them from my account. There is a UPS store less than a mile from my house.

I took the truck as I needed to also take my dolly as the one box was close to 100lbs. When I got in the door I was greeted with a long line which was less than ideal. However as I was standing there I got to observe the absolutely miserable personality the one clerk had. She was grumpy, condescending and just plain mean to the customers I saw her interacting with. She also was careless with the packages people were dropping off to ship, casually tossing them into a pile along the wall. Thankfully when it was my turn I got to interact with the second clerk that was missing her miserable attitude. The two boxes are now in the system and I am trusting that my partner in this barter deal does the same. (he will)

Yesterday my car woke up with an April Fools gift from Tesla, a free month of FSD (full self driving). FSD is an add on feature that can either be purchased up front for $12,000 (um yes) or paid on a month by month subscription for $200. Either choice is prohibitively expensive.

When I bought my first Tesla Model 3 in 2019 I actually bought FSD with it. At that time it was an additional $5000. I thought it was cool at the time but it was buggy and downright scary at times with some of the things it would do with sudden direction changes or even worse abrupt braking. When I bought my first Model Y I did not get FSD as a result and I did not buy it with my second Y either.

The last time I had experience with FSD was when I bought a one month subscription when I drove to Texas as it was helpful in long distance driving scenarios. Yesterday was the first time I got a look at the revised and updated FSD which I believe is now close to what has been in beta testing for a very long time. I was pretty amazed at how much better it has become.

The first thing I noticed was the greatly improved visualization of the cars surroundings. Without FSD you get a much more sparse representation of the environment around you. With the feature turned on you get a full appreciation of what the car actually is aware of around you and how quickly it recognizes it. I was very impressed.

As a test I allowed FSD to try to navigate me home from the office last night, turning it on in the office parking lot. It did surprisingly well, confidently navigating the rush hour traffic. I only had to briefly cancel FSD when it picked one of the two turning lanes that would have been a PIA to get out of since another left turn was coming up shortly afterward.

I allowed the car to take the multi-lane turns and it was rock solid. When I used to do this the car would be unsure of itself, slowing down and making scary direction changes as it tried to get it’s bearings. This did not happen once. This morning I allowed the car to once again handle the driving and again I only had to take over once when the Tesla was unwilling to make a right hand turn with intermittent traffic coming as it will always err on the side of safety. But once I was out in the flow the car again had zero issues, despite a high volume of traffic. I plan to do a video about how much better FSD is soon. Too bad it’s just too expensive because I would really like to have it day to day.

So last night I had an idea that just popped into my head, I was going to make an April Fools video. I rarely do anything related to April Fools but I thought this idea I had would be funny. I recorded a video announcing that after much thought I decided to move to California. This was done with one take and no script. Evidently a lot of people don’t bother looking at calendars or watching videos to the end (where I revealed the joke).

I had some serious replies from people shocked by my decision. It was entertaining to say the least.

Today I have yet another round of defective vein destruction, can’t wait.

Precise mulching, Make it up as I go, Ira

Friday evening I grabbed groceries shortly after getting home but I felt motivated to get out on a ride too. I grabbed my Patton and zipped over to the Cabana where I enjoyed a couple beers as I talked to a few people about the wheel. I didn’t stay all that long because I had not had dinner yet. By the time I got home it was after 8 but there was still frozen pizza to be made which I enjoyed, despite the late hour of the day.

Saturday I had a fun pickleball session in beautiful weather conditions. The woman I am friends with that has me on her permanent guest list there so I can play is moving soon so I am not sure if these weekend sessions will still be a thing or not once that happens. A lot of the residents there know me and enjoy playing with me so we will see.

Saturday afternoon I got into one of those get things done sort of moods. You may recall a couple weeks ago I bought 25 bags of mulch to freshen up the landscaped areas around the house. I wound up being short and had a good portion of unrefreshed mulch remaining. I made a rough estimate in my head that another 25 bags should get the job done. I was surprisingly accurate in that guess as the last bag just covered the remaining square in the backyard garden area. Miller Lite helped power the project.

So while I was at Home Depot I also was looking for ideas on how I was going to mount the new softer LED panel I bought for the guest bathroom. When Dawn was here she correctly identified that the light I had in there over the sink was too bright and too harsh. When I moved in the light that was there was weak and shitty, so I overcompensated, evidently.

The smaller LED panel I bought had adjustable brightness and color. It’s a surface mount fixture, the problem was the existing space had no surface as the light was up behind a piece of diffuser plastic, which looked shitty. I took some measurements of the spot above the sink and started wandering around Home Depot.

I have this weird ability/defect (depending on your point of view) to ad lib projects where they twist, turn and mutate in my head which is the only place the plan resides, I rarely make any formal plans. So as I was walking down the lumber aisle I spot some white shelf boarding that is 2′ x 4′, almost exactly the size I need for that space. It’s thick enough to be able attach the light panel too as well, I think I can make this work.

When I got home I cut about 6 inches off the 4 foot side to make the piece fit snugly. I then dropped a 2 inch wood screw in each corner to secure it. I drilled a hole in the center of the board to fish the wires through and then attached the mounting plate. I made the electrical connections and tried the different light brightness/color options until I found one that seemed warm but not too bright. After sliding the panel onto it’s base I flipped the power back on and smiled as the final lighting was just about perfect, in my book at least.

I will need to put some sort of trim piece around the edge of the board I installed to clean up the appearance but that should not be a huge problem. I took pride in yet another improvised project that had a positive outcome. I have had countless examples of this over the years.

I took care of a couple little annoying things that have lingered for awhile as well like sanding the corner of the front door where a small amount of rust was and painted it. It took in total maybe 5 minutes yet I had not got around to doing it for the year that I have lived here already, baffling.

Sunday morning I had another good pickleball session playing a full two hours. During the afternoon I met up with Ira who I met when I rode on the east coast with Dawn a month or so ago. He lives on the east coast so he had close to a two hour drive to get over to Naples. I took him on a long and winding ride through various parts of Naples. I stopped at two places, one of them being DD to hopefully grab some refreshments. They were both closed due to Easter. We did luck out and was able to grab something at Starbucks.

For part of the ride Ira and I switched wheels. I never rode a Begode Extreme and he never rode a Veteran Patton so it was interesting to be able to contrast the two. The Extreme had good power but the suspension felt like shit compared to the Patton. I also preferred the tire on the Patton. We rode enough that the Extreme started giving off low battery beeps.

When we got back to my house we hooked up Ira’s wheel to the new fast charger I bought a couple weeks prior. It was able to bring his wheel back up to full charge in roughly an hour and a half, impressive. We hung around and talked for awhile before Ira pushed back east. Hopefully the next time he comes he will bring his girlfriend who also rides.

I finished off the rest of my weekend finishing up the video that I shot from the day. Sure, it was a unconventional Easter weekend for me that was devoid of any formal celebration with family or significant others. I however enjoyed it all the same, which is all that really matters in my book.

Is it just me, My Easter

Last night was volleyball night. We had a full crew of 16 people which was split into four teams of four across two nets. It was extremely windy last night which can make doing even simple skills a lot more difficult. In total I played seven games and again my team did very well, winning every game. Since I started playing with the higher skilled group this has been a recurring theme with most nights my team sweeping or losing maybe a game or at most, two.

Despite the wind my core skills remained solid and I had a bunch of hustle plays that kept my exposed skin covered in sand most of the night. I really enjoy playing with this group. I know I have said it before but the difference in my enjoyment since joining this group versus when I was playing with the Tuesday crew that had some players with skills barely above picnic ball is like night and day. I look forward to playing every week and I am thankful that my body with the help of Advil is still allowing me to do it.

After playing I went to Carrabas to grab dinner. I don’t normally go there on a Thursday night but I felt like mixing it up. I had a nice dinner with the other bartender, Helen, that knows my name, drink and food preferences. I didn’t hang all that long as I was pretty tired.

My Easter is pretty much just another day on the calendar as I have no local family and no significant other to spend it with. It’s not a woe is me statement, just a fact. If things work out as planned one of the guys I met on the east coast might be coming over to ride with me Easter afternoon which would be cool. In addition I have pickleball sessions scheduled for each of the next three days which I always look forward to. The weather this weekend is supposed to be pretty spectacular with cool mornings and low humidity. I’m anxious to get it underway.

Last year I was still scrambling to get things done at my new house. I also ironically was happy about playing a decent volleyball session back then as well.

Maximizing, Three at once, I love taking it off

Last night after work I felt like being productive. I went to the south side of the house and capped off the spot where the second rusty and broken spotlight used to reside, giving the eave a cleaner look. When I went out to do a short walk later on I snapped this picture of the house which is possibly the first night time picture I have taken. I am really happy with how I have massaged the place over the last year to the point where it truly now feels like my home.

I also completed another improvement last night, hanging all of my full face helmets on the wall of my office/hobby room. I was storing all of my helmets in the closet and it was a mess with helmets piled on top of each other and jammed into open spaces.

Last week I got the idea of hanging some of them to both maximize space utilization and just look sort of cool, IMO. I was able to get the four helmet hooks up in less than a half hour. Having them above the LED RGB bar just adds to the vibe.

I recently have consumed three movies and have not mentioned any of them, maybe because none of them stood out as special. First I watched Ricky Stanicky, a comedy on Amazon Prime. The highlight for me is that John Cena was in it who makes me laugh consistently. I found myself focusing on how odd Zac Efron looks nowadays more than I should have which might be because the movie was only average in my book. B

Next I watched Roadhouse, the spin off of the 80’s classic that featured Patrick Swayze. The modern version instead features a ripped Jake Gyllenhaal who apparently turns into a couple notches below serial killer if you make him mad enough. His super arch enemy is Connor McGregor who is so over the top in his bad guy performance he almost becomes a cartoon character. I mean the movie kept me entertained but was it good? That’s questionable, another B.

Finally last night I finished off the second Aquaman. DC superhero movies almost always are a disappointment to me and this was no exception. I always have thought that casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman made no sense. He is sort of a terrible actor but looks like Deniro compared to Dolph Lundgren who plays King Whatshisface. I mean it’s just a bad movie, one of the lower 25% of DC movies I have seen, that’s a pretty low bar to crawl under. I’ll give it a C-.

This morning I finally got to rip off the compression stocking. I played pickleball with it on yesterday even though it probably was pushing the limits of what I was supposed to do. For the next two weeks I get to rinse and repeat this process. Two weeks from now I should be done with the vein procedures, hopefully.

Round two, Lucky

Yesterday I had my second round of vein treatments. Unlike the first session that used RF ablation to close the larger veins higher up in my leg this used an injection of some chemical that closes veins. It was less uncomfortable than the ablation but still not fun as I had multiple rounds of stinging and burning as various areas were injected. He also stuck a bigger needle into the upper leg to pull out some blood that was trapped from the first procedure. That ramped up my sweat production.

For some reason I had it in my head that these injection sessions did not require the same after care as the ablation. Nope, I again have to wear a compression stocking for two days, need to walk a lot to minimize opportunity for blood clots, and restrict my activity, bummer. I have two more rounds of these injections to go, each spaced a week apart. I’ll be glad to be on the other side of it.

Last night after work as I was taking Elsa on her walk I had a sense of appreciation and gratitude hit me as I looked around at my surroundings. I just felt fortunate to be living where I am now in the situation I am in now. My life has been simplified and I have the ability to go pretty much any direction I choose from here. It’s a position a lot of people would be happy to be in. I am lucky.

Boxing day, Rules

When I got home from work I saw the replacement charger I bought for my V10F had finally arrived. I bought it nearly 3 weeks ago off Ebay. When I purchased it I did not realize it was coming from China, on a very slow boat. The charger was the last thing I needed to initiate the two for one trade I am doing with a V13 owner.

After verifying the charger worked I boxed up both wheels last night which took a little time. The box for the S22 is massive and heavy, weighing in a little under 100lbs. I had a live stream going while this process went on, answering questions along the way. Eventually I got both wheels boxed up securely. I will be dropping them off to get shipped later this week. I want to ship the same day the V13 ships, just because.

Yesterday I found myself thinking about rules, not the type of rules like no public urination, the self imposed rules that we as human beings place upon ourselves. I have talked many times about how I am a creature of habit with a number of routines that I exist in from day to day. That is one way of existing within my own rules.

When I got divorced the second time it was the first time in my adult life where I really examined the rules I was living my life by. This examination process repeated after I split from Cindy in late 2021. I think discipline and rules are important in life as they keep you generally moving in a good direction, hopefully. However I also found that when I have allowed myself to do things that initially could be quickly classified as out of bounds that I instead got to experience things I would have regretted missing. To be fair there have been things I would have rather missed out on as well where adhering to rules could have prevented them happening.

I guess at this point in my life with the various twists and turns it has taken I am more interested in maximizing my opportunities for new experiences and journeys. Of course I will always have rules that play a part in my decisions but I don’t want to be a slave to them. I am trying to say yes more than no to opportunities that come along. If you never ask, the answer is always no.

Today I get some more stuff injected into my bad veins in the right leg, can’t wait.

In the gutter, Duned, Slow rider, Still there

We got a ton of rain on Friday. Friday evening I was home looking out at the backyard and saw a small waterfall coming from the roof. Wait, I have new gutters, that shouldn’t be happening. Well it happens when they are stuffed with debris from the nearby huge oak tree.

Saturday morning I got up on my ladder to see just how bad the gutters were, they were bad indeed with certain segments stuffed to the top with leaves and other debris. It was a throwback to the long list of unfun tasks I had to deal with at my old house. I did not take an elegant approach, I scooped out handful after handful of debris with my hands and then followed up with a blasting of the hose to clear what was left. By the time I finished up about an hour later the house had a perimeter of wet leaves strewn around it. As I was doing the dirty job I regretted my decision to not have leaf guards installed when I had the gutters put on. I could probably attach some myself.

I ran around and did some errands. One of the stops was at Home Depot. I grabbed a couple caps to seal off the spots where old, rusty and shitty looking spot lights were. I don’t need them anymore since I installed bright LED fixtures to the front of the structure. This was one of those things I wanted to do since I moved in a year ago and just never pulled the trigger. Their subtraction was an addition.

I repainted the accent pieces for the new pedals I planned to install on my Veteran Patton Sunday. I already had the ladder out from the gutter cleaning so it made for a good painting station as well.

Saturday night I decided to go out and see Dune 2, solo. To prepare I rewatched the first Dune to refresh my memory. To me, as someone that has never read the books, the story is rather hard to follow.

Prior to going to the movies I grabbed food at Shea’s Landowne Street, a bar/restaurant very close to the theater. I knew it was a popular hangout spot but I had never been there. I liked the vibe and will likely add it to the rotation of places I like to frequent on a regular basis.

So I saw the movie at the Hollywood 20, a theater I don’t frequent often. The theater I was in did not have full reclining seats which would have been welcome since the movie was almost three f’ing hours long. Much like episode one I had a hard time understanding everything that was going on due to my lack of backstory. I mean the movie is cool but doesn’t resonate with me like other sci-fi franchises have. I’d give it a B. I was hoping this was the last film but clearly from the way this ended there has to be a 3rd installment coming, yay.

I woke up to a 6:30 alarm Sunday morning to go play pickleball. It was a great morning to play as the temps were cool and the sun was bright. After heading home I tried to get organized for the two videos I planned to do for the day. The first project was installing the new pedals on the Veteran Patton. This was the second set of aftermarket pedals I tried on this wheel. Thankfully this set worked better than the last. The new pedals finish off the orange accent look of the wheel as well as adding superior grip via the spikes.

Later in the afternoon I did a range test on the Mten Mini, a funny experiment. The Mini is tiny and actually intended for children. It was advertised of having a range of 5-7 miles with a top speed of 10MPH, both very miniscule numbers in terms of most modern day EUCs. Doing a range test would mean going very slow for a long time. I wanted to see what would happen.

I know I looked ridiculous perched on top of such a tiny wheel. I was worried about running out of battery far away from home so at first my idea was just to loop around a nearby neighborhood. However the battery appeared to be holding up better then expected so I shifted gears and decided to try to make it to Dunkin Donuts and back. Doing this would put me right at if not over the advertised top range for the wheel but I risked it. Not only did the wheel get me to DD and back home, I had to do additional riding to get the battery even lower. I wound up covering around 9 miles with 10-20% of battery left. It was a very surprising outcome for me.

Once I got home the majority of the rest of my night was spent editing video although I did take a brief break to grab a Jersey Mike’s portabello cheese “steak” sandwich. By the time everything was polished off it was after 10PM. It was a good weekend.

One thing that is less than good is the chest pain that sent me to the ER two Friday’s ago has not completely disappeared. If I cough, sneeze or take a deep breath quickly I still feel pain in the same spot. I triggered it last week trying to do pull ups as well. I’m waiting for the other shoe to hit the floor, whatever that may be.

Tomorrow I have the next step in my vein procedure where they inject something into the smaller veins in my lower leg to close them off. Supposedly it is much less annoying than the ablation procedure, we will see.