Don’t drive into parades, Am I Closet OCD, What a Win
Saturday morning I made arrangements to meet up with Sue, my normal Saturday morning pickleball partner, for breakfast. Neither of us have been playing much lately due to our respective injuries. The restaurant is only about 15 minutes from my place however it took me an hour to get there. Why? The freaking Swamp Buggy parade. Despite living in the Naples area for going on 25 years I never knew/heard about the Swamp Buggy parade. Evidently every year they close off the main road leading into Naples to hold this parade in the middle of “season”. I drove right into absolute gridlock as a result.
I had no choice but to drive parallel to the parade route for miles until I could find a spot to cross. I was angry and frustrated but the truth was this was just unfortunate timing. Luckily Sue was patient and we still had a nice breakfast catching up.

Friday after work, yes I am out of order, I did my grocery shopping. This included a trip to both Costco and Publix. While I was at Costco I saw that they once again had the 32inch HD monitors in stock, which I bought one of when I expanded to three screens. Since then I found myself slightly annoyed because the new monitor is 4K while my other two were 1080P meaning if I drug a window from the center to either side monitor it would become much larger and not fit correctly. I don’t consider myself OCD but maybe I have a little bit of it rolling around in there because the idea of having all three monitors the same motivated me to snap buy the other two.
On Saturday I got to work installing the new monitors. It required a quick trip to Ace Hardware to buy some shorter bolts to mount the new screens on the articulated arms. After maybe a total of an hour work I had the two screens installed and looking great. Having consistent resolution across all screens is an improvement I appreciated even more than I anticipated.

The other small project I took on was mounting the new tool shelf I got on Temu in the garage. I stripped down the lower third of the pegboard to make room to mount the shelf. I had to do a few tweaks to make it work but I got the metal shelf up there and secured. If I am being honest it’s impact on my tool organization was not as significant as I hoped. Is it better than it was before? Yes, certainly, but more could be done.
Sunday was all about the Eagles NFC championship game. The Commanders were very hot. Their win over the Lions was totally unexpected in my mind. I was concerned it could carry them past the Eagles. It didn’t. I could hardly believe the first Eagles play on offense resulted in Barkley running for a 60 yard plus touchdown, it set the tone. For a good portion of the game the Commanders kept it close but later in the second half the Birds pulled away, taking advantage of multiple Washington turnovers to put the most points on the board ever in an NFC championship game, winning 55-23. It was a hell of a win.
I watched the AFC championship game as well. I like many, many others was pulling for the Bills because I’m sick of the Chiefs however Kansas City squeaked out a win again. This will be the second time in three years the Eagles will be playing the Chiefs in a Super Bowl. I can only hope for a reversal of outcome from the last time. I’m still a little in disbelief the Eagles made it this far as I never felt confident during this season. You can’t argue with results. Go Birds.

Last night before bed I selected a model, sent it to the A1 printer and started a print while I was laying in bed. It was the first time I did such a thing using the app. It was stupid easy. Did I mention how much I love this printer?
It looks like we have some moderation in the temperatures for this week to more typical SW Florida winter weather which is welcomed by me. I played pickleball on Friday in temps that didn’t leave the 50’s. Sure it’s doable but not my preference. The highs today in the mid 70s hit my sweet spot exactly.