Waiting, Whoops, BG, Can feel it’s full

Last night after work I had to run to the local gun dealer that I had the AR pistol sent to. I had to once again fill out the clearance form and be submitted for yet another background check, something that has to be done for each gun purchase, even if you bought one recently. Since I do not have a concealed weapons permit I also have to again wait three business days to pick it up so I guess it will be a Valentines Day present for myself. I also bought myself ammo for both the 1911 and the AR Pistol to be used at the range. Ammo is not cheap, to get 200 rounds for each weapon cost well over $200.

After completing my mini-workout and eating dinner I ran over to the local Walmart to pick up a few things. This Walmart is old and has never been updated. When I walked in the door I saw two massive lines of people waiting to check out. I’m talking at least 20 people in each line. For some reason they only had two registers out of a dozen open.

As I was walking down one aisle I stopped in my tracks when I saw what looked like urine at the base of a pole. Did someone really take a piss in the store?? The likely answer is yes. When it was my time to checkout they finally figured out that they needed to open an additional register.

Even with doing so the line was long and slow. I found myself getting very annoyed with the cashier that seemed to move at a snails pace. Hell I even felt annoyed with the people in front of me that had more items than they should have in the “speedy” check out line. It was at that moment that I realized that the full moon was almost here.

My mood the last couple days has been on the dark side. My patience has been limited and my ability to interact with other human beings is strained. Some months I cruise right past this cycle but most of them there is a discernible change in my demeanor and outlook. Right now is one of those times.

When I got home I didn’t feel like doing anything else so I just binged a couple more episodes of Battlestar Galactica. I was a huge fan of the series back in the day. Enough time has passed that I don’t recall much detail of the series so it’s almost like seeing it all over again. I have been enjoying it a lot. It’s a good way to set my brain on cruise control until calmer water is under me.