Reading, PA* 6…29 F Brrrrr, Alison picked the wrong weekend to decide to go back up to PA.
For my birthday I got two new personal grooming devices, a new Panasonic shaver and an electric nose hair / eyebrow trimmer. For years I have had lowend Remington shavers, in a word they suck. At best they weed whacked my face, they were a pain in the ass to clean and generally just did a piss poor job. The new Panasonic shaver is great, it charges in an hour, actually gives me a decent shave and can be cleaned up with soap and water. Nose hair is one of my arch enemies, I hate it. In the past I’ve used little scissors or good old brute force to yank hairs from my nostrils, painful and not all that effective. The new electric clippers are awesome. They trim your nostrils so nothing is found peeking out later in the day. Technology saves the day.
I know certain people, especially certain below average height readers of my blog enjoyed checking out my webcam regularly so they could mock my head, my clothes, the way I breathe, pretty much anything… Well it is now back online for all to examine and critique. Go here.
Go EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!