Sweet revenge, slow torture

The morning commute has been dreadful for quite awhile now. This morning it was extremely foggy out our way so I knew it could only be worse. As feared, the traffic was backed up at the very first traffic light. This portion of the road is 2 lanes, one in each direction. As I am sitting there, stewing, some asshole thinks they don’t need to wait and swings out into the oncoming lane in an attempt to get up to the light and make a left turn. This moron is in the wrong lane for a good 200-300 yards. I hastily rolled down my window and gave the single digit salute in a fruitless attempt to display my anger at the stunt. Then the cavalry arrived. The offender didn’t happen notice they were passing a deputy who immediately swung out , flipped on his lights and pulled the moron over. Ali and I cheered like the Eagles just scored a touchdown. Hope the jerk got slapped with a nice fat fine.

The rest of the drive in was downhill from there. Every single intersection we came to was backed up. The hoardes of dump trucks clogging traffic, making it even slower since they creep along and leave huge gaps in the traffic because they don’t want to have to shift through the gears. I was 20 minutes late for work, even with leaving at 7am. It’s maddening. The first stage of the road widening out by our place is supposed to be done within the year. That should help things, somewhat. I still have ideas about moving closer in the back of my mind. They are steadily moving closer to the front all the time. Too many people on too small of a road.

More lunchtime events

At the gym today I saw another funny occurance. Someone was using the Smith machine. For those who don’t go to a gym, the Smith machine is a piece of gym equipment that is a barbell on a track with saftey hooks so if you get stuck, you simply rotate the bar and some hooks will catch on one of the stops. It also slides up and down, supported on each side by rails. It can’t tilt if it wanted to. There was someone that was either very new to the gym or very unobservant who was using safety collars on the smith machine to prevent the weight plates from sliding off. (which is impossible)

On the way back to the office I got stuck behind another elderly driver who was doing 10 mph under the speed limit. Not that abnormal except when they are doing it in a 25 MPH zone!!!!!! As he did his turtle paced right turn, I yelled out my passenger window “15 MILES AN HOUR, COME ON!” I guess I shouldn’t have done that but damn it, it frustrates the hell out of me.

I heard the Sixers coach was fired. Wow that was fast. 1st year coach and he’s gone already? What did they expect when they left Larry Brown go?

Funny, on injured reserve

I listen to ESPN radio normally during the day on my way to and from the gym. On my way back, the host reads an email from a listener in Emmaus, PA. Being from PA, of course I know it is pronounced “E MAY US” The host had no idea and instead pronounced it “EM MOUSE” Made me smirk.

My volleyball season already has hit a bump in the road. After a week, my shoulder feels fine, unless I move it behind my head in a motion akin to hitting a volleyball. Such motion sends a jolt of a pain down the joint. 🙁 Hopefully another week of rest will be enough.

Project month kick off, water woes, fair fall-off

As mentioned earlier, I declared February as project month. We started out this weekend strong, tackling three projects. The projects were redoing the rose bed border with landscape ties and raise the bed so it isn’t underwater during wet season, double the size of the garden and rip down the shitty vinyl gutter in the back corner of the roof and replace them with aluminum ones. While Ali cleaned Saturday morning, I took the truck to home depot to load up. The truck was filled to the gills with top soil, compost, gutters, landscape ties and mulch. It was so full that I had the 10 bags of mulch in the cab with me. The truck was riding very loooow.

I didn’t get back until after noon so we didn’t get to start until 1 or so. Everything went well, despite getting rained on a bit. By the time dark fell I had the rose bed done, the garden done and had the roof portion of the gutters up. We had pizza delivered and took a break. Now I had a choice, either leave the gutters to be finished up in the morning or do it now. Of course I chose to put on a sweatshirt and finish up the gutters by floodlight. I was done by around 7:30 pm. Both of us were very tired and dirty. Nothing would feel better than a shower. One small problem, the damn well pump was dead again, no water!!!! Argh. This happened a few weeks ago and it simply reset itself after awhile. So we waited, waited until 10 pm. No luck. So I placed a call with the well company for a service call and called the neighbors to see if we could use their shower. They said sure, no problem. While Ali was gathering shower supplies I had a brainstorm and connected the neighbors water system to ours via a long hose. Doing so allowed us to fill our storage tank and have water! It would make do until the well company showed up. So we cleaned up and hit bed after 11, exhausted.

Sunday morning I checked the equipment and the water pressure was back, just as before. However this time I did not cancel the service call as I wanted it checked out. The tech called at 7:45 am and was at our place before 9 am, a rare example of good service in Florida. He told me what was happening was the well pump was overheating from cycling on and off repeatedly when I use it for irrigation. He showed me how to reset it if it happens again and was on his way. Add reevaluate irrigation system to the project list.

On Sunday it was cool, in the low to mid 60’s and very windy. However it was sunny so we decided to break down and go to the fair, it was the last day of the 10 day run. The had 2 choices for admission. 5 bucks to get in or 10 bucks if you wanted to ride any rides. This allowed you unlimited rides. Well I wanted to do a few but Ali didn’t want to do any so I got the magical pink elephant wrist band that got me on the rides and Ali’s wrist remained bare. We checked out the animal exhibits first, lots of fancy chickens, along with other farm animals. I always feel bad for the animals being in cages too small for them to even stand up in. Next, it was on to the rides. I was psuedo-pumped to wring every last bit of value out of my wrist band that I paid an extra 5 bucks for.

First off I decided to go on what looked to be a nasty, gut twisting contraption. You had to go 2 at a time so there was a young boy that had noone to go with so we teamed up in the front car. The compartment was super tight, I had to squeeze in and my knees and head were wedged against the walls. The ride spun like a spit while the cars went around the perimeter of the track. The little boy loved it, by the time I squirmed out my stomach already felt unsettled. Not good. Undaunted, I pushed on and looked for the next thrill filled ride. I spotted a big vertical loop that has the cars just simply going around and around, in both directions. Again it required going in pairs so I got teamed up with a zit faced teenager. This ride couldn’t end soon enough. First it rocked you back and forth, then the cruel ride operator would hold the car at the top of the loop so your head felt like it was going to pop, then as the finale we got to fly around the loop forwards and then backwards. By the end my yells of excitement were replaced by silence as I concentrated on the seat in front of me in an attempt to control my nausea. I wobbled down the steps, now feeling truly sick after only 2 rides, pathetic. I proclaimed no more spinning rides for me. They had one of those drop rides so I hopped on that for a quick thrill and I was done. 3 rides was all I could stomach. I am not sure what happens as you get older that makes you less tolerant of this sort of motion. When I was younger it seemed like I could go forever on rides. Maybe it just seemed that way, I don’t know. We both grabbed an apple dumpling, walked around a bit and were out of there within an hour and a half. The best parts of the fair were the animals and the dumpling, pretty lame otherwise. I dropped close to 40 bucks for that crap, ugh.

Bad Judgement

We’ve all exercised bad judgement in our lives. The other day for some reason I was thinking about some of the f ups I have been involved in over the years. Here are a couple that came to mind:

Putting bald tires on my 69 Buick Special deluxe when I was 16 or 17 so my inline 6 cylinder motor could do better burnouts. Shortly afterwards in a torrential downpour I hydroplane, slide into oncoming traffic and take out 4 vehicles in addition to my own.

On a trip back from AC with my girlfriend, I decide to pull over and pick up a hitchhiker. In the course of the drive we find out he is carrying a knife although he never threatened us with it. I drive the guy to the Harrisburg bus terminal somewhere around midnight, give him money to get a bus ticket, along with my address so he can repay me. Needless to say I never saw the money but at least we didn’t die. Never picked one up since.

In a quest to find my way career-wise, I spent close to 300 dollars for a starter kit for a vinyl repair business. At the time, 300 bucks was a HUGE amount of money to me. I read the book, did a little bit of practice on my own and never touched it again.

I drop out of colllege after my first trimester because I desperately missed my girlfriend from home. The same girlfriend that later keys my car and almost puts me through a fatal attraction type scenario trying to get rid of her.

I am selling my 87 Firebird. I have had little success but finally get a call from a motivated buyer named Whitey. I take the car to Whitey’s place to show him since he presently does not have transportation. In the course of conversation he tells me he doesnt have a car because he recently got out of prison. He loves the car but needs a way to get insurance and get to the bank. I ignorantly offer the firebird for him to drive with my tags and under my insurance to use to run these errands. After 3 days with multiple calls from me and multiple excuses from him, I finally track him down with my brother along as backup and reposses my car. At one point when I was driving home I could have sworn that a state trooper was following me. I was sure that Whitey had used my car in a crime and they were after me. What an idiot I am.

There are many more examples, I’ll be sure to post more. I amaze myself sometimes, amazingly dumb.

Just in case, new dog sleeping arrangements

If you were looking to see the video from the controversial Janet Jackson boob scandal, here is a clip of what was broadcast on TV. (removed due to reports it had pop ups and junk with it)

The past 3 nights we have let Nicki sleep on the floor in our bedroom. It was a proactive move in anticipation of us starting to have company stay at our place again. When crated, Nicki would start wimpering between 5 and 6 am everyday, even weekends. Since her crate is right outside the guest bedrooms this would make for a very unpleasant alarm clock for our guests. So far it has been going well, last night she didn’t make a peep and I slept straight through the night.

Vball struggles

Last night I returned for week 2 of my volleyball follies. After week 1 my knee felt some little twinges of pain but nothing horrible. Last night my hitting shoulder went dead. It is a typical problem for me when I haven’t played for awhile. Something in my shoulder pinches and it deadens my arm. After 4 games I could hardly even lift the arm so I bagged it. My hitting was pathetic as a result. Other aspects were ok but if I can’t hit, I am not having any fun. I’ll keep pressing on and hope that it gets better. Normally after a few weeks of the aches and pains it tends to settle down. Towards the end of the night, one of the mexican guys had a collision that left him lying on the floor for an extended period of time. It was a bit scary, he said something around his neck hurt real bad. He usually walks to the gym but we stopped him in the parking lot and then I drove him home. I felt like a dope, I asked him if he spoke english and he said yah yah. I immediately realized that I heard him speaking english during the games so I felt stupid for asking him that. I dropped him off and wished him well.


Has there ever been an actor that has been in more movies in a 5 year period than Samulel L Jackson? It is incredible how many flicks he is in. I don’t quite understand why. He is a decent actor but not anywhere good enough to explain why his face is in so many films. I mean look at this list, incredible!

LTE splashback, Weekend, Tale of two Super Bowls

My letter to the editor hit the paper on Saturday. Evidently a lot of people here at work read that section with regularity. Within my first 15 minutes at work I had gotten a half dozen comments about it. Some were supportive, some thought it was cheap that I would get free tickets in the first place, oh well.

In contrast to last weekend where everything felt right with the world, Friday and Saturday felt like everything was a mess. I don’t know if it was the rainy weather we had those 2 days but I just felt antsy and anxious. I felt like the house was a mess, the outside was a mess, and there were a million things that need to be done. I spent a good part of the day trying to create an automated process to roll the numerous steps I have to take to update the Tivo into one batch file. I almost have it, but not quite. Saturday night we watched Bruce Almighty. Although it has several laugh out loud, real funny moments, in general I found it to be overly average and non-memorable.

On Sunday I loaded up the truck with the tractor and other lawn maintenance equipment and trucked over to mom’s place to clean up her yard. It took about an hour and a half. It normally would take less time but I had to chop up a huge fallen branch that was in her back yard. Mom said the branch was no wider than 6 inches in diameter. Hah! It was about 10 at it’s widest spot and a good 25 feet long. Mom never was good at estimating stuff.

The Super Bowl looked to be super boring during the first half. It was scoreless for a long time. I was already drifting off from being very tired from a night of bad sleep. The halftime show woke me up. Good performances and then the boob shot. Since I was watching this through the Tivo I was able to rewind and pause to verify what I just saw. Yep, it looks like her boob, imagine that. They acted after the fact that it was accident but I don’t understand how it could have been. Justin clearly pulled it off and it came off like it was designed to do so. I’m no stick in the mud but that was definitely inappropriate. I’d hate to have a kid and explain to them what that was all about. Then as the second half is ready to begin, somehow a person dressed as a ref manages to walk right into the middle of the field, strip and dance around. It is amazing that he was able to pull that off in our new airtight security environment that is SUPPOSED to be in place for an event like this.

The second half was like a totally different game. The teams marched up and down the field making big play after big play. It turned out to be one of the best Super Bowl games ever with a dramatic finish which enabled the Patriots to win their 2nd SB in 3 years. I tried to imagine how the Eagles would have performed in a game like that. I think they would have sucked. Thankfully this year they did not do a post game concert to go along with the pregame and halftime shows. Instead I hung on and watched All-Star survivor.

I am too tired to go into a lot of detail about it but it looks like it is going to be a GREAT show. They are making it way tough on the contestants. Rudy, Rupert, Colby and Richard Hatch are going to be the ones that make this very interesting, at least for me. So far, 3 days, and they can’t for the life of them get fire going. As a result they have no way to boil the contaminated water. They are hurting already and it looks to be getting worse.

SB commercial notes, there weren’t very many memorable commercials for me. The volleyball in the snow one was a personal fav of mine. The explosive horse fart one made me laugh. The Gilette Mach 3 one was ridiculous. How does being on top of your game, with imagery from Muhammad Ali and other sporting events equate with shaving? Shaving makes you feel like you are in the zone? Silly.