Category Anything and Everything

Eagles eve, Tivo, Bush

Tomorrow I fly up to frozen PA to watch the Eagles in the NFC championship game. I am trying to gather the few warm clothes I have left to prepare for the elements. I certainly don’t assume they will win but I’ll yell myself hoarse supporting them. It will be awesome, can’t wait.

My tivo project has become a huge headache for me. The information is not very clear and trying to get answers is touchy since it is a taboo subject. I have probably sent a good 10 hours plus trying to get this going. It’s now a matter of principle, I have to figure it out and get it working. I won’t pack it in till I get it.

Although I support what President Bush has done in Afghanistan and Iraq I think in pretty much every other aspect he has been a horrible president. If you want to see some biting, well done anti bush commercials go here. Some are very funny, some are serious, and some just make you scratch your head and wonder how this guy has a chance at re-election.


You ever have one of those days where it seems filled with wall to wall frustration? Today is one of those for me. This morning there was some sort of traffic cluster f out my way that made me 20 minutes late for work. I HATE being late for work. I get in and find out that yet again the problem we have been having with one of our software vendors has still not been resolved after the most recent attempt to fix it. So we had to run a chinese firedrill to get everyone up and running until they actually fix the problem. At lunch I got out a bit later than normal for the gym, there is a line of cars 20 deep lined up waiting to get out of the lot, not ONE of those bastards would stop long enough to let me back out and get out of the lot. By the the time the last car passed me, acting like I didn’t even exist I was screaming how all of them were f’in bastards and a-holes. Next stop the gym, the doors are all wide open again. Great. The owner has this idea that if it is in the 70’s he can save on the AC bill and just open the doors. However even if the temp is in the 70’s the humidity is still high so it makes for a very uncomfortable sweatfest for your workout. Grrrr. Then as I am working out I focus on how utterly disgusting and dirty the gym is, the walls are all mirrored but look like they have not been cleaned in a year. They are covered with handprints, sweat marks and body grease. Why do I go here… Finally on the way back I am in one after another old person nightmare as one creeps out in front of me without looking, another walks into the crosswalk without thought of oncoming traffic and another is doing 10 mph under the speed limit in a 30mph zone. ARRRRGGGHHHHHH! One of those days you can’t wait till it ends….

3 in one year

After the elation of the game, I got a call shortly afterwards from my sister-in-law. She has tickets to the championship game and I am invited if I can get there!! This morning I did some quick checking and I have enough airmiles for a free ticket, I’m there!! So I will be attending my third Eagles game of the year, the biggest one yet. Prior to this season, the last Eagles game I saw live was when I was 16 or 17 against the Buffalo Bills for the Eagles last game of that season. We sat in the TOP row of the 700 level. So 20 years later I am making up for lost time. It will be awesome to see the Linc, it will be fantastic to be part of what is sure to be an electric environment, and hopefully it will be the stepping stone to the Eagles making their first Super Bowl appearance in two decades plus.


They won, they won!!!!!!!!!!! Like so many other games this year they were beaten in many facets of the game. They gave up 8 sacks, they allowed yet another 100 yard rusher, but in the end, somehow, they pulled it out. 4th & 26 and they CONVERT??????????? Unreal……. I need to teach Keener the Eagles fight song.



Deja Vu

Last weekend as we were packing up stuff to move to my mom’s new place we found a bunch of old pictures she had in her desk. These were pictures of her childhood. As we flipped through them we came across one that was dated sometime in the late 50’s. In the picture was my mom and a table and trinket holder thing that looks like a leaf. We did a double take. These were the same table and leaf thing that we now have, inherited from my Great Uncle Bud and Great Aunt Ester after they moved out of their house into a condo. The leaf thing now sits on our kitchen counter as a cleaning pad holder and the table sits in one of our guest bedrooms. It just seemed very ironic that we stumbled across an old picture from my mom’s childhood of some items that were around then and now reside in our place. The picture had no other items in it but that table, my mom, and the leaf, weird…..

Brrr, modern grooming wonders, cam is back!

Reading, PA* 6…29 F Brrrrr, Alison picked the wrong weekend to decide to go back up to PA.

For my birthday I got two new personal grooming devices, a new Panasonic shaver and an electric nose hair / eyebrow trimmer. For years I have had lowend Remington shavers, in a word they suck. At best they weed whacked my face, they were a pain in the ass to clean and generally just did a piss poor job. The new Panasonic shaver is great, it charges in an hour, actually gives me a decent shave and can be cleaned up with soap and water. Nose hair is one of my arch enemies, I hate it. In the past I’ve used little scissors or good old brute force to yank hairs from my nostrils, painful and not all that effective. The new electric clippers are awesome. They trim your nostrils so nothing is found peeking out later in the day. Technology saves the day.

I know certain people, especially certain below average height readers of my blog enjoyed checking out my webcam regularly so they could mock my head, my clothes, the way I breathe, pretty much anything… Well it is now back online for all to examine and critique. Go here.

Go EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blind as a bat

The past couple days I have had to spend a lot of time at our other offices, 2 of them being driver license offices. As I was working I got to see some of the people taking the eye test. It is unbelievable that some of these people are still driving. One elderly gentleman had his head on the vision tester for at least 2 or 3 minutes as the clerk repeatedly told him to read line 5, he would read line 3, read incorrectly or claim to not see anything at all. Eventually the clerk had to politely tell the gentleman that he could not drive. I was surprised how many failed the vision test, one older guy was going back and forth with the tester like he was in a virtual 3d game. I suppose he thought if he moved his body to the left and right more he could see better. Some of these people literally looked like they had one foot in the grave yet they are behind the wheel on the same roads as you and me. Crazy.

Belated Amazon hatin..

I had forgotten to blog how else Amazon pissed me off since my original rant. My complaint letter went without even so much as a canned reply. When Christmas came, I opened up 3 volleyballs and 2 of the same dvd thanks to Amazon’s wish list system not working as it is supposed to. If someone buys you something off that wish list it is supposed to remove that item from the list so others don’t buy the same thing. Bastards.