Discuss and drink

Last night’s running club board meeting was not all that exciting.  The big news is Ali and I have taken over handing the club membership responsibilities.  This is in addition to our other hats we already wear for the club including social networking coordinator, public relations, web site maintenance, club information technology support, race director and race timer.  Yes it is a lot of responsibilities but I try to take it as a compliment that we have skill sets that allow us to do each of these things relatively well.

Part of this process is migrating our entire membership database online which should make the process more efficient while requiring less maintenance once everything is migrated.  The hope is this efficiency will allow us to grow the club membership which is a win for everyone involved.  The more members we get, the more we can give back to both the members and the various organizations we help support.

A membership in our club is a fantastic value for anyone, even if you don’t run to be honest with you.  In addition to the various fun social events the club sponsors, we have made arrangements with various local businesses to provide discounts for our members.  If you run the numbers, you will quickly realize that your $25 membership can literally pay for itself in one lululemon shopping trip and repay you many times over during the course of the year.

After the meeting I went to South Street with the usual suspects for some drinks and food.  I actually wasn’t going to go as I wasn’t really feeling very social but once I had a Bud Light or two I was glad I reconsidered.