Not surprised
I’m not all surprised that Jane Fonda used the “C” word live on the Today show. After all, this is the same woman that supposedly while married to Ted Turner, agreed to wear a strap on and give it to big Ted from behind, seriously.
I didn’t see any of the video from Roger Clemens hearing yesterday but from the accounts that I read, it was near impossible to listen to his testimony and not think the man is lying. He just keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper. Lying to congress is a serious deal. That being said, I have to say that I am more than a little disgusted that things like the baseball steroids issue and the Patriots spygate scandal are actually brought up in front of our congessman. I can think of hundreds of real problems that I would much rather see our elected officials worry about. Let’s start with the cluster F in Iraq then maybe work on the historic deficit, health care, enviromental destruction, war profiteering, lobbyists, the social security fund evaporating, illegal immigrants flooding the country, terrorism, and countless other issues that all should be miles ahead of listening to Roger Clemens make a boob out of himself. Hey if athletes want to endanger their health by taking roids, let em. I certainly don’t need congress to get involved, what a joke. Let the MLB and NFL discipline their own leagues for cripes sake. But no, this is a good way for congress to get get some national camera time and hob nob with professional athletes, yay. Stupid.