Tag stern execessive vacation

One of those days

Not much to talk about. I have found myself getting annoyed at the Stern Show again.  A couple weeks ago Howard announced that for the month of December, well for the two weeks they actually work in December, they would be extending themselves by actually working FOUR DAYS! Wow, what a sacrifice.

Howard has really lost touch with his audience.  He doesn’t realize that the vast majority of them are putting in their time day after day for most of the time small amounts of money.  We really don’t need to hear someone that makes somewhere between 50-100 million dollars a year whine and complain about having to work 4 four hour days.

Howard is not working the extra day because he wanted to do give his fans a little Christmas present before he takes off for another two or three weeks.  He simply miscounted the amount of shows he had to do this year so he is just making up time.

For some reason I get most annoyed when I hear Robin comment about their work schedule.  She has annoyed me so much that a couple month’s ago I sent in a mini-rant about her to the show which is too profane to be published here.  She is such an elitist prima donna.  I mean who in the world flies to California to get colonics or goes to Nicarauga to be drugged and hypnotized to discover the meaning of life? Oh that’s right, she does.

The rest of this week will be quite busy.  In addition to timing a race on Saturday and all of the prep associated with it we will be going right into getting ready for our four day winter jaunt to NYC.  Ali and I are really looking forward to the trip.



Wahhhh I only have 10 weeks off

Today I heard Howard complaining that people don’t like how he takes 10 weeks of vacation a year.  I am among the ones that don’t like it.  What I really don’t like is he actually takes much more than that off and conveniently forgets to add those numbers in.  It annoyed me enough that I sent this in to the show although I doubt he would dare read it on the air.

“I heard Howard belly aching today because people give him a hard time about the tons of vacation he has as well as accusing him of coasting through the remainder of his contract.  I would disagree on one point, when Howard is in the studio the shows are GREAT. 
However as a hardcore fan I am offended by the stupidity that Howard assumes we have.  Howard claimed he has 10 weeks of vaca a year.  That is incorrect.  Howard takes 10 weeks of vacation PLUS only works 4 days a week the 42 weeks a year he puts in so in reality he is off EIGHTEEN WEEKS and change if you divide those additional 42 Fridays by 5.
To further simplify the math, the live Stern Show is off the air more than a THIRD of the year.  Say that back to yourself slowly and THEN maybe you will get a sense of how ridiculous that sounds.
If Howard has no idea why fans have a problem with that then he has lost all grip with reality.
When you take the light show schedule and throw on top Sirius screwing over listeners with higher rates, charging for previously included services like internet streaming and Iphone apps that don’t even include Stern content you have an angry fan base that is being taken advantage of.
Howard still puts on a great show.  However he needs to drop the act that he cares so much about his fans, someone that cares doesn’t prostitute his listeners without batting an eye.  
Of course this will never make it on the air because Howard doesn’t like to discuss the hypocrisy of what he has created.”