Pizza to go, not another

Last night after work I stopped by a local pizza establishment for dinner, something I would normally never do on a Tuesday night.  The reason I stopped was a young girls running group that Ali helps organize was holding a fundraiser there, 20% of your bill was donated to the organization.

When I arrived Ali was already stationed out in front of the place with a small table that had handouts about the organization.  She was basically letting anyone know whom went inside that if they mentioned the name of the group that it would benefit Girls on the Run.  Everyone seemed quite happy to oblige.

Although I certainly didn’t need a whole pizza, I bought one to contribute more to the cause.  I stood out front with Ali and ate a couple slices while standing around, it was good pizza.

As I munched away I managed to drop some pizza on my shirt which subsequently bounced off the the front of the tablecloth.  I have an uncanny ability to wear food.

As I hung out Ali mentioned something about the dogs, how she hoped they could hold it.  Evidently they were last  left out around 8 or 8:30 AM.  It was now after 6 and Ali was going to be there for awhile yet.  I told her I would stop at her place and walk them so I headed out.

Of course the dogs were surprised and excited to see me. They both were whimpering as I tried to get their collars and leashes attached.  We walked in a different direction than Ali normally takes them, out of the complex and down the street in front.  I had the pleasure of picking up 3 piles of doody during the walk. At one point I had synchronized dog shitting going on.

Both of the dogs just seem so damn excited to go on these walks.  Maybe it is because they no longer have free reign to the outside pool deck like they do at the house. They seem to be just thrilled the entire time we are strolling around.  We took a small detour during the walk to head down to the edge of a canal so the girls could check it out.  They seemed to find it quite interesting.

On my way to work this morning I saw a red light flicker on my dashboard of my Tacoma, the battery/electric system trouble  indicator.  It came on and went off several times.  My first thought was that maybe the belt that drives the alternator broke although if that was the case the light would stay on full time.

Instead the light went off and on several times during the commute, exactly what I don’t need.  When I got to work I popped the hood looking for any visual clues to what the problem is but found none.  I am thinking my next move will be go to either an Autozone or Advance Auto and let them throw their tester on the truck.  They can test the starter, alternator and battery in a few minutes.