New POPE!, Episode one done

I had to just stand in the background and quietly laugh to myself over all of the new pope hoopla yesterday.  It almost seemed like Super Bowl style coverage. The tight chimney video feed so people could see if the smoke was black or white, the evening news broadcasts live on site at the Vatican,  the endless shots of massive crowds going wild, it was crazy.

Once it was announced I heard a lot of people in my immediate environment buzzing as well, talking of how exciting it was to have a new pope.  One woman was excited that he was “only” 76.  Others were impressed that he was a jesuit, the first ever to be pope.  Others thought it was cool that he wore a plain wooden cross instead of an ornate gold cross that most popes chose to wield.

Personally I am a bit disappointed that they didn’t go with the black candidate from Africa.  Now that would have been something that would have impressed me.  Of course I am sure they realized all the old, white, religious closet  racists would not be very excited to hang a picture of a brother on their wall.

Of course all of this excitement is lost on me.  From my non-religious viewpoint, I am pleased that “Francis” does at least not look like pure devil spawn as Benedict did.  However when I read a headline like this, where he states gay marriage is the work of the devil, he loses me instantly.

In the end, Francis is just the latest figurehead for an organization that has been responsible for some of the largest atrocities in history in the name of “God” and more recently, the worlds biggest cover/enabler for a network of serial child molesters.  Another 10 mil was just paid out to cover the tracks of another pedophile priest in LA the other day.

So I finished up episode 1 of the Walking Dead game.  I got frustrated for awhile when I was spinning my wheels trying to figure out how to get through certain points in the game.  I mean how was I supposed to know that to break the padlock on the security gate I needed to first drive to the motel, kill a bunch of zombies and then grab a fireman’s axe?

I am sure there is a step by step walk through out there of how to get through the game quickly but at this point I want to continue trying to progress “naked”.   My difficulties wound up in my staying up later than normal.  My eyelids paid the price this morning.