Turn that shit down, back to buzzed

So I walked into the gym yesterday and assumed my position on a cardio machine for a 5 minute warm up.  Within 20 seconds my attention was diverted to the music that was being blared through out the gym.  Not only was it stupidly loud, it was just awful stuff, some hip hop shit.  It was so loud it totally obliterated my focus on exercise and instead placed it on how loud the music was blaring.

When I got done with my warm up I walked over to the weight machine area where one of my buddies was stationed, almost directly under one of the speakers.  I yelled to him (had to yell so he could hear me) “Why the fck is this shit SO LOUD?!!”  He shrugged but agreed the decibel level was approaching concert level.

As I looked around the gym I could tell some of the old people were also annoyed by the music.  Well I did what made sense to me, asked the staff at the counter to turn down the music.  I told them it sounded like a concert back there.  They seemed surprised it was too loud.  Perhaps that is because there are no speakers positioned over the front desk.

Anyway the turn of the dial returned the music back to the background noise that it should be instead of a front and center stick that is jabbing your ear drums.  As I walked back into the workout area I could tell several others approved of the lower music level.  I just wondered why nobody else would have said something.

Last night I decided to take the clippers to my head for the 6th time on tape.  I had not buzzed my own hair in quite awhile since I had Sport Clips cut my hair professionally two times.  I do enjoy the Sport Clips experience and I plan to use them in the future.  I just like to keep my appearance in the air with different varieties/lengths of hair on both my face and head.

I had my head shaved down in 3 minutes, a new speed record.

Big shout out for Jason Collins for admitting he is gay.  That took a lot of courage.  I expect it to lead to a number of other athletes stepping out as well.