
There has been a lot of virtual and in person condolences directed our way in the last day regarding Nicki which of course are all greatly appreciated.  I tried to go about my day as normally as possible, I worked a full day (and then some), went to the gym and in general tried to keep my focus to non-Nicki things.  Of course I was not entirely successful in doing this and had multiple occasions where I closed my office door. I kept up that strategy last night, burying myself in Wow for a couple hours.

11224125_10154083317292841_222454925659370285_oLast night we did finally hang a remnant of Nicki on the wall, a project that Cindy undertook several months ago.  It is the customization I did for the original dog deck back in 2004 where I used left over tile supplies to make a custom Nicki section.  It even contains her paw print.

When I resurfaced the deck awhile ago with composite decking I pulled this section out and sat it in the shed on a shelf where it resided for years untouched.  It’s years in the elements had broken the thin set into many sections.  It literally looked like a jig saw puzzle. The restoration Cindy did on it was pretty remarkable.  Neither of us had anticipated her work becoming a tribute piece  quite so soon.

I remember clearly the look of concern on Nicki’s face as I grabbed her paw and shoved it into the thinset.

This weekend we are going to have Sadie out for a good portion of it.  It will be interesting in a sad sort of way to see how she reacts being out at the house solo, a situation she has never been in her entire life.

This weekend I have things to do as is always the case.  I plan to again keep my mind and body busy.  On Sunday we have a few kind volunteers that are going to help us affix timing chips to 3500 race bibs.