Clean mouth, Comcast continues

So after my dentist appointment (no cavities), I stopped at the local Comcast office to try to straighten out the issue with the convertor box.  As usual, the waiting room was packed with people, most of which were exchanging their negative thoughts regarding Comcast.

The funniest of these was a very old woman seated next to me.  She was complaining that they no longer have a payment window with a clerk.  I pointed to the box on the wall in front of us that was labeled DROP PAYMENTS HERE.  The woman said she couldn’t do that because she doesn’t know the amount to pay. Evidently she comes into the office every month, asks what she owes and then writes a check for that amount.  Yea, that is efficient.

So my interaction with the clerk was very brief.  She actually listened to what I said about a filter being put on my line and agreed immediately that it was the cause of the problem.  She said she would schedule a tech to go out to the pole to remove the filter but once again the turnaround is very slow.  He won’t be out until next week.  Thankfully it won’t require me to be home.

Comcast has a real big image problem.  I have yet to find somebody that thinks they offer good value or good customer service.