Forward falls

After work last night I went out in the driveway on my EUC to do some more backwards riding practice.  I am still improving for sure but I am miles from being comfortable.  I was doing a lot of direction reversals and found for some reason I have a lot more struggles going from reverse to forward than forward to reverse.  To me it seems like switching into backwards riding would be tougher but that has not been the case.  I can successfully do the front back reversal probably 80-90% of the time.  I would estimate when I go backwards to forward my success rate is maybe half, and half of those involve a lot of arm flailing.

I also can’t believe how taxed my lower body feels after riding backwards.  My legs feel like they are under near constant tension when riding in reverse.  As a result my lower body almost feels like I did a weighted leg workout the day before.  There is a weird thing going in on my head since I started the trek to riding backwards, riding forwards feels like cheating.  It almost feels like until I am equally adept at riding backwards as I can forwards, doing a forwards only ride is not effort towards accomplishing that goal, which is bothering me.  It’s sort of weird that riding backwards is somehow negatively affecting conventional riding enjoyment.

So Sadie went back to Ali’s this morning.  The 4-5 week construction projection at her place has hit some road bumps that have delayed things.  It is almost done at this point and should be safer for the dogs.  The only major portion of the project that remains is installing countertops.  What was done looks nice and gives Ali a lot more functional storage and counter space.