More fish adventures. Last night

More fish adventures. Last night I noticed the 2 front drainage ditches were almost dried up so I decided to be proactive and see if there were more catfish in the little water that was left. I scooped out another 6 of them! They ranged in size from 3 inches to a monster that was 10 inches long or longer. I couldn’t get the big one out he was too big for the net. I will see if I can get him after work tonight. I put the ones I DID capture into the upper part of our 2 tier pond. We have 3 goldfish in the bottom part. I am a little nervous about putting the catfish with the goldfish. We have the shell from the old pond sitting around. I will probably wind up finding a good spot to dig a hole and put the catfish in the old pond shell. After talking to some other people out in my area I found out that there is such a thing as “walking” catfish. Much in the same way of that oriental fish that was in the news, certain catfish can sort of walk and survive out of water for short amounts of time. That would explain how they wind up scattered around the yard.

Last night I was messing with getting my digital camcorder to do double duty as a webcam. It appears that I can do it, EXCEPT that when the camera is in standby mode (not recording) it shuts off in 3 minutes. I am going to try pulling the tape out of it and see how it acts. This would free me up to bring that webcam I got from the neighbors into work to set up the much anticipated FISH CAM!

Ali had me watch a show on DIYNET about Ding Darling sanctuary last night. The sanctuary is down here in our neck of the woods. The birds they showed in the show were great. However the hosts were a man and wife that were SOOOO into bird watching it almost made me embarrassed that I like birds. 🙂 Sooooooo corny.

Watched the Steelers beat up on the Colts last night. Seems they have turned things around after looking like a joke the first few games. Tommy Maddox definitely appears to be an upgrade over Kordell at this point. I watched Maddox in the XFL and he was solid. He won the championship there. Yea it was the XFL but still….