Another weekend flies by. Busy

Another weekend flies by. Busy busy weekend. Saturday we/I cleaned, pressure washed the bird cages, cleaned all the outside bird feeders, dug out 2 new planting beds to put the plants we bought earlier in the week, installed new steering wheel and repaired clock in the Buick and went out to dinner. I also flew my new plane for the first time. It was rough going early on but my last 2 flights have been crash free except for some rough landings. It is a cool plane much more manueverable than my Firebird XL.

Sunday we had some friends over and watched football most of the day. We had tons of food and I ate like a pig. Gonna punish myself in the gym today. I”l do legs till I barf.

I have my webcam at work setup. During the day it will be on different things in my office, after hours it will be used to babysit my fish. 🙂

Is there a better name is women’s tennis than “Anna Smashnova”? It CAN’T be her real name, no way.

I watched a little bit of the world series. It’s amazing how disinterested I am in baseball now. When I was a teenager it was EVERYTHING to me. Now teams rosters change so often it doesn’t pay to be a fan. I enjoy football so much more. Side note, how lazy are we as a society that we now use big dildo looking balloon contraptions to make noise at games instead of just clapping and yelling? Are we that lazy? And that idiotic Angels fan that thought it would be fun to beat the Giants outfielder on the back with her noise maker, I’m glad she was ejected, hopefully she was fined too. Brainless lemmings.

Remember those catfish I saved and put into the top section of our pond? I went looking for them over the weekend but couldn’t find them. Granted the water was very cloudy so I couldn’t see but I had my hand all over the bottom and didn’t feel one. Odd. However, somehow we now have a crayfish in that top section. No idea how he got there either.

Eagles play the Giants tonight in MNF, gonna be a late night. Medium coffee is on the breakfast menu for tomorrow morning for sure.