4 sales so far off

4 sales so far off of half.com Not big money but it’s money I didn’t have before so I can’t complain. I have at least a hundred items up there as of now.

Today is election day. Alison and I voted before work. It was a looooong ballot. We went right as the polls opened at 7. A lot of voters were there. Hopefully turnout will be good. Jeb Bush’s campaign posters this year crack me up. Normally candidates have their name with some catchy slogan associated with it. Jeb’s posters are simply “Jeb!” Hope he didn’t pay too much for that slogan. 🙂 He didn’t get my vote.

Got my first part of the Xbox yesterday, the DVD playback kit. Looking forward to receiving the rest!

The birds are back. Every morning we have a hundred or so birds at by our feeders. If the feeders are empty they stare at you until you fill them again. Funny.

We have picked Sunday as our Disney day. It will be a lot of driving but will be a good time. Park opens at 9. 🙂 Then we have Monday off to recover.