Happy Monday. An uncharacteristic gloomy

Happy Monday. An uncharacteristic gloomy weekend in SW-FLA. A massive cool front came through that made the entire weekend rainy and COOL. This morning it was 49 degrees out at our place! It is supposed to warm up gradulaly the next few days.

So what else is there to do on a dark, cold and wet weekend? SPEND MONEY! Our Best Buy had it’s grand opening this weekend. It is a HUGE store with everything a techno geek like me could ever want. I went on Saturday AND Sunday. On Saturday it was a mob scene so I only stayed long enough to grab an XBOX live package. Read more about that here. However on Sunday I saw the Best Buy ad in the paper. They were offering 2 year interest free financing so I HAD to jump on that deal. I picked up a P4 2.4 gig Sony box, 17 inch monitor and printer. I will sell my old box to help offset the expense. Now I am in the middle of the cumbersome task of migrating from one box to another, always a fun time, NOT. It came with a DVD-RW drive. Did you know that there is a difference between a DVD-RW drive and a DVD+RW drive? I didn’t. I bought a 3 pack of DVD+RW media to try on my system. Of course, I have a DVD-RW drive which does not play or write DVD+RW media. I had no idea. Dumb standards. SO now I have to find some DVD-RW media.

My wife pointed out to me that my money spending over the past couple months has been rather crazy. Unfortunately, I have to agree. Let the belt tightening commence.

The Eagles beat up on the Cardinals but Donovan broke his ankle. Ouch. Fans will love him forever for playing with it. Strangely enough he had his best passing performance in a month and a half on the bad ankle. Perhaps because he couldn’t hop on his happy feet and overthrow balls. Oh well, sounds like the rest of the season will be the Koy show. Should be interesting.