First day back from a

First day back from a 4 day Thanksgiving weekend. It was a very enjoyable 4 days.

On Thanksgiving we watched a good deal of the Macy’s parade. For the first time EVER we did not have Thanksgiving dinner with friend’s or relative’s. We went out to dinner at the Watermark. It was a very nice change. No hours of preparation and hours of cleanup afterward. The food was GREAT. Evidently others have already caught onto the idea because it was quite full. After dinner we did another first, we went to Kmart and did some Christmas shopping. When I got home I flew my plane and had a horrific crash into some trees. It busted it up into several pieces. However, with the aid of 5 minute epoxy and packing tape I was able to repair it to the point where it flies again. 🙂

Afterwards we watched some football, made the calls to the family and relaxed. A good holiday.

Friday was bust ass outside day. I weed whacked the entire property, pruned the palm trees and mowed it. Took about 4-5 hours total. It was a lot of work but the temperature was in the upper 60’s so it was perfect yardwork weather. It should be the last mowing I have to do for several months. I also got to do some gaming with my Xbox and played Unreal Championship on it. It was sweet. I also hung our Chrsitmas lights. We decided to not do a Christmas tree this year because we are going to be gone for over a week during Christmas so we don’t want to come back to a dead tree.

Saturday we spent the day preparing for our first party at the house. Ali busted ass preparing everything. I had to do a last minute shopping trip to grab some chicken fingers because we thought we may be a little light on the main meal department. Our baked macaroni and cheese didn’t look very big. The party went surprisingly well. Our only other attempt at hosting a party happened years ago up north when we lived in Wernersville. That was a flop. This time it went well, we had 12 people there in total. The last few left around 12:30. We had quite the mess to clean up but it was worth it. Hopefully we get to do more in the future.

Sunday I slept till 10 am which NEVER happens. I must have been tired. It was cold (for Florida) and rainy all day so I hardly stepped out the door. I spent the day watching football, working on the computer and playing on the xbox. A 4 star day. The Eagles won a tight game and there were a bunch of other good games on the dish. It was one of the best Thanksgiving holidays I have had in a long time. Very enjoyable. Now the Christmas crunch begins.