Archives January 2003

Got home last night and

Got home last night and found a pretty piece of paper jammed in my door. The nice folks at code enforcement have given me a week to get the burned out Buick off the property or into my garage. If I don’t it is a $250 fine. Great….. I am hoping I have a buyer for it. He may be able to get it tomorrow. If not, I have to get a flatbed out here to load it up and dump it in my garage. Pain in the ass.

This weekend will be busy, we are rounding stuff up for a yardsale we are gonna have in a couple weeks. I have a bunch of little things around the house I need to get done. It seems the only time I get all the stuff done I want to during a weekend is if I write it out in a list. Otherwise I get sidetracked and/or forget about it. I guess there is something to the idea of writing out things…. motivates me to do it, to conquer the list……

Anyone see Russ on the Bacheloreete the other night? He looked like he was gonna crap his pants during the rose ceremony. Tip to Russ, chicks don’t dig guys that are desparate to be with them.

I got my settlement check

I got my settlement check for the Buick yesterday. It took a little less than a month so that isn’t too bad. I’m going to use the settlement to pay off some short term debt. We should come out of it in a much more favorable financial situation so at least that is something to be upbeat about.

Still feeling a bit off. Whenever I get this way it is normally a result of me dwelling on or thinking about things that only depress me. It comes and goes. I wish it would go.

Fishy is still not eating and being very lethargic. I’m sad to say I don’t think he is going to pull out of it.

I want to be a

I want to be a good citizen. I am interested in what the Prez has to say, but that State of the Union address is the most frustrating thing to watch. The applause after every other sentence is maddening. I don’t understand why he cannot simply make his address and then let congress applaud afterward. It really is distracting and makes it difficult to take in what he is saying. As expected I agreed with some of his ideas and disagreed with more. I was surprised he endorsed the idea of gasless automobiles, his oil buddies can’t be happy. I am glad he is determined to get rid of Saddam. That should have been done in 91. It was so funny watching the gratuitous shots of the audience. The close up of the ancient couple when George was talkin about health care for seniors. The close ups on Hilary and Lieberman when Bush was talking about the economy. They were golf clapping as they made sarcastic remarks to each other (you could tell) I hope his economic recovery plan actually works, but I am afraid all it is going to do is make the rich, richer and bury the US in tremendous debt. Sounds like the war starts in February, for sure…..

Homey hooked me up with

Homey hooked me up with some hosting space to offload my videos that I have on my site for RC stuff and vball. Big thanks to him!

Jon Carl’s site has been updated!

Down to 3 chicks in Joe Millionaire. He got rid of the ultra-conceited one last night. No loss

Tonight you get to see more bad singers on American Idol. Followed by the state of the union address. I’m sure the pres will be laying on the rah rah war talk heavy. Just get it over and kill the bastard. I can’t believe we haven’t done so long before now. I wonder how Dubya is gonna talk up the economy? It has fallen off the table since he took control and it looks like his plans will basically bury us in deficit spending again. Great plan George.

Great weather today. 70 and sunny.

Fishy is not looking good.

Fishy is not looking good. Lethargic but has these fits where he dashes around the tank. I looked it up and got a few ideas and some advice. I just treated the tank with Aquari-sol. I hope he comes around, kinda attached to the little guy.

A fun weekend. Ali’s dad’s

A fun weekend. Ali’s dad’s cousin was down to see us Friday through Sunday morning. Hmmm what relation does that make him? Dunno. We went to dinner twice and had a good time. Ali and he went to an art/craft show while I flew planes Saturday morning. Brrr it was cold Sat morning, in the 30’s again.

Mike and I flew our planes. I met him at a school near his place to fly. It was breezy so it was less than ideal flying conditions for my plane but I flew it anyway. I had a couple near misses but was able to keep it in one piece. Mike had his copter and the SIG that I gave him. The SIG was a gas plane that I did alot of work on but decided to give to Mike at the end because I decided I would rather get into electric planes. It was the first time I saw it fly since Mike finished it. Boy is it big. It handled the wind well but was rather slow and unexciting in the air. Neat to see though.

SEASON is here in full force. We waited almost a full 90 minutes until we got into Carraba’s on Friday and another 45 minutes on Saturday at Watermark. Wall to wall senior citizens. Oh well we passed the time drinking.

Sunday was a PERFECT day weatherwise. Almost 70 and bright sunshine. SOOOOOOO nice. I flew my plane 6 or 7 times. Much better conditions. I flew it inverted for a few secs and was up soaring with the vultures. The rest of the day was spent doing various things, nothing too stressful, waiting for the Super Bowl to start.

The Super Bowl was just ok. Of course I wanted the Raiders to win to avenge my Eagles loss. Sadly, the Raiders got blown out as well. I was really surprised to see Oakland perform so poorly. As in most Super Bowls, the most interesting parts were outside the game. My thoughts:

What is with all the musical performances? Yea a halftime show is fine but do we need mini concerts BEFORE and AFTER the game? Celene did a fantastic rendition of God Bless America and the Dixie Chicks did a surprisingly good rendition of the National Anthem. Too bad they mistimed the flyover of the jets.

At halftime, Shania had on a revealing oufit that showed off her tight bod but she decided to lip sync?? Why? Sting and Gwen Stefani belted it out live, why couldn’t Shania? Sting looks good for his age still. Sounded good too.

I’m really Bon Jovi’d out. He seems to pop up everywhere nowadays. Thought the post game mini-concert was the dumbest musical idea of the 3. Just hand out the trophy, game’s over.

The commercials were quite good I thought. Some of my favorites were the horse instant replay, the beer butt drinker, the Osbournes, the Reebok linebacker in the office and the Jordan commercial.

I read reviews that criticized the Jordan spot. Evidently they worked on the commercial 5 months and the critics thought the final product should have been better. I thought the computer generated images were strikingly good. I thought the idea of Jordan playing himself 15 years ago was very intriguing. I think it strikes a chord with me because of my fixation on ideas about growing old. I can identify with the emotional dilemma of the mind remembering what you could do at one time but can no longer do. The commercial just further confirmed my dismay about growing older. So why did I like it? Maybe like was the wrong word, it just hit some feelings inside.

I enjoyed seeing the movie previews. Matrix and T3 are definite see’s for me in the theater, the others will likely be home movie expereinces. The superhero movies are coming hot and heavy. I’m sure I’ll enjoy them.

For over a year I

For over a year I have had a recurring, maddening intermittent metallic squeal that comes from under the rear of my truck. I have had it to the dealer 4 times. Each time they have not been able to reproduce it. Well this time I went out with the guy and he heard it! Loud and clear. Hmpphhh, I thought see, I’m not crazy, now they can finally fix it. I get a call later in the morning, “Mr Duffey, we have a diagnosis” GREAT, what is it? “Your driveshaft has a dent in it” What the? A dent? I have never been off roading with the truck, never had any sort of incident that could have possibly dented the driveshaft. So they can’t cover it under warranty since it is physical damage. That’s wonderful. I ask how much a replacement driveshaft is. $1600 BUCKS! Insane. So now I have to either live with it, shell out 2k to get it fixed or find a used shaft and/or have a driveline shop see if they can balance it. I think I will wind up trying the last option. What burns me up is they never saw this the other 3 times they looked at it.

More fun Spam for today:

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Check out the video of last nights frat party

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Don’t Spend Another Valentine’s Day Alone!


34 degrees at our place this morning, we tried to cover a bunch of plants but by morning most of them had blown off from the wind. I still didnt wear a coat to work, keeping my streak of NO COATS IN FLORIDA alive. 🙂

Superbowl this weekend, blah blah. Eagles should have been there, bastards……