My gutter project went down

My gutter project went down this weekend. The weekend prior, Ali and I got all the gutters and hardware in the VINYL flavor. In total it was probably close to 100 different parts we bought. I started on the project bright and early Saturday AM. I ran into multiple issues. The vinyl gutter, due to the method used for hanging it allowed water to run behind it. I tried various “modifications” but none of them were successful. Frustrated, I realized that I needed to bite the bullet and go get the metal gutters. I collected up the dozens of pieces and the associated store receipts for a trip back to Home Depot. The retun process took a good 20 minutes alone until we got all the parts straight. However the Home Depot rep was a very nice lady and didn’t give me any problems. Armed with my store credit I went and picked out the metal equivelant for my gutters. I was pleasantly surprised that it actually would cost me less in material to do it with metal. So much less that I was able to also pick up a new ladder which we desparately needed and have $1.13 left over. 🙂 Installation with the metal gutters was TONS easier. I did about 100 foot of gutter in about 5 hours of time total. It looks better and feels more secure. I can hardly wait for it to rain so I can see my handywork in action.

The rest of the weekend involved a lot of football viewing. I fell asleep during the college championship game unfortunately. Too bad, it sounded like a classic. I did however see all the nfl games. The Sunday games were great. In the first game, Pittsburgh mounted a huge comeback in the last few minutes against Cleveland to squeak out a win. Then, in the late game, the hated Giants blew a huge 24 point second half lead! It was classic.

The pool freaks still didn’t show up on Friday. I called and A&S said they were there, looked at it had to schedule the work. I said THAT WAS WHAT WE WERE WAITING FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE! So after more calls it is supposed to be done tomorrow. Yea, right.

I dug through the remains of my car. I recovered the melted toolcase and found the horncap, intact, melted to the bottom of the case! I have no idea how it got there or how it survived but at least it will be a nice momento for me to hold on to.