Are there any more depressing

Are there any more depressing commercials on TV than the Wachovia ones? Do they make anyone want to use their bank? The music sounds like a good tune to hang yourself by. Terrible.

Watched Bachelorette. Cowboy was mad cause Trista didn’t give him a shot. Get real buddy, she HAD to pick 15, you were just rounding out the lot. Don’t worry, Hee-haw is hiring. She really is getting bent out of shape already. That guy she was smooching with really rubs me the wrong way. Slimy weasel. I think his plan is backfiring though. She is already getting sick of him.

Frustrating computer night last night, my DVD burner isn’t being recognized properly anymore. I installed a couple DVD programs that I fear may have stepped on something in my configuration. I am hoping to be able to get it sorted out WITHOUT having to reload my original configuration. I just got it all tweaked how I want it, I don’t want to go through it again. It isnt recognized to burn DVD’s, but I burned a CD-R with it last night just fine. Go figure.

What is your opinion on pickles? Like them? Hate them? Leave a comment. It is part of a study I am conducting.