A very nice 3 day

A very nice 3 day weekend! Never have we appreciated living in Florida more than this past weekend. Back home they were getting dumped on with 2 feet of snow. The entire winter up there has been dreadful. The weather here was nice and pleasant. We went to the beach on Sunday.

Earlier in the week I had bought C&C Generals, a computer game that I have wanted for awhile. However, after getting it home I found out that it had very high video card requirements and my card was not up to the task. So on Friday after work I made an impulse buy of a high end card. I was gonna try to keep it secret but I wound up fessing up to Ali. She wasn’t happy. However the new card SMOKES. Very fast, I love it. Friday was also Valentines day. We had pizza and watched Harry Potter. Hey, Ali said that was what she wanted. It was fine. The movie was a bit long but I enjoyed it.

We had our big yard sale on Saturday. Traffic wasn’t bad, we sold most of our stuff and we pocketed about 130 bucks out of the deal. I told Ali to keep the money and go buy herself something to make up for my video card purchase.

The rest of the weekend we did various outside projects, went to the beach and relaxed. We saw XXX which I thought was really, really bad. I am not fussy with movies by any means so if I say a movie is really bad it must be majorly lacking. I watched Panic Room myself yesterday. Ali didnt want to feed into her fear of stuff like that. A good flick!!! It wan’t as bad as she thought it would be.

I also had to remove a pigmy rattle snake from under my neighbor’s water equipment. First one of those I have seen live. It was fine, I just scooped him up with a pole and tossed him over the drainage ditch. No harm to him or to us.

We added 2 apple trees to our orchard and set up a long thin garden. I had to redo a bunch of the irrigation that was setup. It was either kinked or blocked up so it wasn’t doing the job. Pulling up the hose netted me a few fire ant bites and we also found termites in the mulch. Not sure what to do about that.

A 4 star weekend. I enjoyed it.