Whew. The PUPPY weekend. It

Whew. The PUPPY weekend. It was a weekend filled with ups and downs. Lots of crying by my wife, lots of puppy “accidents”, and much discussion about how this was all going to work. The end result is we still have the puppy. We spent another 100 bucks on puppy stuff over the weekend so that puts the total up to $300 invested so far. We have come up with work arounds for certain situations and are stilll up in the air about how to handle others. I find it next to impossible to believe that my wife would return the puppy at this point. She is already severly emotionally invested in it. There is no denying that the puppy is adorable and as good natured as you can ask for a dog to be. I give Ali credit for getting up every night at 1 or 2am to walk the dog. However, this schedule is really hard on her since she normally needs more than 8 hours of sleep to just not feel tired. I made my puppy concerns well known over the weekend but stressed the final decision is Ali’s and that I would go along with whatever she decides. It’s been quite the soap opera.

We had our shed delivered on Monday. It is fantastic and will make our house much less cluttered. As it was delivered and being set up, I realized I didn’t have any cash to tip them. They were busting ass and doing a great job so I needed to tip them. Luckily Ali had some cash so we decided to give them 30 bucks. I signed the papers and reached into my pocket to give the guy the money. He said thanks and was on his way. Later, I reached into my pocket to grab my home depot shopping list and pulled out a 20. Evidently I only wound up giving them a 10 buck tip. I felt bad cause they really were quite nice and they wound up probably thinking I was a cheap SOB. Oh well.

It was actually warm enough to go in the pool! Mid 80’s and humid! The pool is up to 78 degrees. Swimming in March, can’t beat it.