Weekend flies by

As usual, the weekend flew by. I got all of my chores done more or less. I also got in some flying time and did a new plane video which can be found here. We got to watch Bourne Identity and Road to Perdition. Bourne Identity had a solid B rating going until the last 5 minutes when Matt Damon rides on the back of a dead fat guy, falling down 6 floors, while he bullseyes a baddie right in the forehead and then lands on top of the fattie without a scratch. Otherwise, it was a solid movie that kept me entertained. Road to Perdition was a very good flick but dont look for anything uplifting about it. Tom Hanks is a great actor.

The puppy had one accident inside this weekend, however this morning was classic. The puppy is getting too big to sit up front in the car with Ali so we have been letting her in the back seat with a towel. Normally she is fine. This morning, she was very antsy, climbing all over the place and wouldn’t settle down. As we are about 5 minutes out from the house, Ali yells PULL OVER! I am like, “What the hell?” Ali yells, NICKI CRAPPED IN THE BACK SEAT!. Ugh. So I pull off the road where there is no shoulder and Ali yanks her out and the crap covered towel. Of course the puppy has stepped in it by this time so it expands the mess. Ali tried to clean her up as best she could with tissues. She threw the crap covered towel in the trunk and we continued on our merry way to work with the windows down to try to minimize the strong smell of dog shit that enveloped the interior. GROSS. Happy frickin Monday.