Bug up my ass…..

People that know me well claim that when I get a “bug up my ass” there is no stopping me. Last night was one of those nights. My mom’s furniture is going to be arriving either today or tomorrow and I still had a ceiling fan to hang in her room so I had to get it done last night. Once I began, I discovered that there was no power to the outlet in the ceiling that I was attaching the fan to! I had 2 options, wait and call the builder the next day and tell them they installed a dead outlet or look at it myself. Of course I HAD to get it done last night so I ripped into the wall switch. Upon comparison with identical switches in other rooms, it appears as though they wired that switch wrong. Through lengthy trial and error and innumerable trips back and forth to the breaker box to kill power so I could try a new rig, I finally got it working. After getting power I had to go through the business of getting the fan mounted on the ceiling. In all I spent 3 and a half hours on it and got to bed close to midnight. Yea, I had a bug up my ass but at least I got it done.

No puppy problems in the last 24 hours.

Interesting things going on in my buddies site. Check it out. Some real funny stuff if you dig around a bit.

The tuki live video feed has audio today as well! Open windows media player and OPEN URL http://duf.homedns.org:9090 to see what the green feathered friend is up to.