Easter, the 10 Commandments and weekend recap

The weekend was way too short. It was a a good one. On Saturday I got up early and got to work mowing the grass while Ali did the indoor stuff. I was done by lunchtime. On Friday we got our long awaited Mosquito Trap. It is one of those propane based mosquito control devices. I have heard positive reviews from others down here in FLA about their effectiveness so we decided to take the plunge. They aren’t cheap but if it helps controls the mosquitos during summer it’s worth it. Walking outside in the summertime is risking being peirced incessantly by mosquitos that are big enough that you feel them slam into you. I set up the trap after mowing. By Sunday morning we already had some bugs in the collection bag.

After all of the work around the house was done we cleaned up and hit the outlets. I got my first new pair of sneakers in 5 years. The reason I wanted sneaks was for my return to volleyball hard court tonight. I’m hoping new sneakers will help cushion the joints. It should be interesting. I have no idea what level of competition to expect or the amount of people that will be there. Hopefully it is decent. All I want is some play to get my volleyball muscles back in shape. I have been having some chronic issues with my wrists hurting from the gym. I am hoping it doesn’t bother me playing ball. Up north I used to do a 2 night a week indoor organized pick up sixes deal. I enjoyed it.

Saturday night we watched some Tivo. Has anyone else seen the Real World Vegas gig? These kids were the poster children for having no self discipline . Most of them had sex with each other, they drank incessantly and I think all of them but one smoked. Great image to throw out there to kids. I guess it’s all about ratings.

On Sunday we did our Easter Brunch cruise. It was very enjoyable. The ship was immaculate, the food was great and the views were amazing. On the trip out to the Gulf we went through Naples ultra rich area, named Port Royal. Just to give you an idea of the scale of the wealth of these people, the one place was 6000 square feet and that was the GUEST quarters! It really had to be seen to be believed. I took some pictures that I will have online later today. It was really a nice change of pace.

Sunday evening the 10 Commandments was on. As long as I can remember, I have seen bits and pieces of the movie. A couple years ago, I actually saw the end of it. But, I have never seen the entire movie. I was determined to see it all. The perfect job for TIVO. I TIVO’d it. Watched about half last night and will knock out the rest this week. Watching it via Tivo cuts out close to an hour of commercials so it is definitely the way to go. It really is an incredible film in scope considering the time frame it was done (50’s) I’m not a religious person by any sense but even I enjoy the film.

No puppy accidents this weekend. Week 2 of puppy college tomorrow.