Blah weekend

This weekend was like many others, I had a bunch of outdoor stuff to do. The 90/90 (heat/humidity) weather trend has not broken yet. The thermometer at our place hit 96.8 on Saturday. My physical labor this weekend included mowing, weed whacking, spreading mulch, digging out a landscape border, weeding, and applying waterproofing to all of exterior landscape timbers. Way too much considering the weather conditions. I don’t know what drives me with this stuff but for whatever reason, when I know I have these jobs sitting ahead of me I feel compelled to get them done and out of the way. It causes conflict with Ali because she doesn’t share this same drive.

I was pretty much in a bad mood most of the weekend. Real bad. I think it is a compiliation of many issues. I’m not really sure how to snap out of it. My patience right now is razor thin. I just have no tolerance for BS. Hopefully I can snap out of it. Not sure what it will take. On Saturday night I could not fall asleep even though I was tired as hell. My mind was just bouncing from one depressing thought to another. Most of it tied into the passing of time, recollections, regrets, all sorts of things that drive you crazy if you dwell on them. I also am feeling “old” lately. My wrists, knees and back all have been bothering me to different degrees. This morning I tweaked my wrist opening up a package of lunchmeat. Pathetic.

The past few months have been very expensive. We have spent a lot of money and the result of it has me a bit stressed as well. Most of it has been home improvement based but regardless, it has been draining our financial resources. Instead of building up savings we are either standing still or losing ground slowly. I handle the finances in our household and the way we spend money is a frequent topic of arguments between Ali and I.

Quickly proofreading this, I realize it is 100% negative. Oh well, I guess it depicted my weekend accurately. Oh wait there was one highlight, I closed myself up in our bedroom for 3 hours and played with my Xbox online. That was fun.

Happy Monday.