Tons o stuff…..

Where to begin? A holiday weekend full of stuff. On Friday we got home and had a message on the machine from the dealership we bought our Nissan from. The sales guy said that Nissan was running some promotions that might be able to move us out of our 01 Sentra into an 03. I really had not considered upgrading at this point and I was just getting ready to drop about 500 bucks on some new tires and brake work for the Sentra. So we figured why not give it a shot? On Saturday on the way up we got rear ended at a stop light. Not hard, but enough to leave the mexican woman’s license plate bracket impression on the bumper. It matched another impression I already had on the bumper from another mexican rear ending me a year or so back. Just another reason to trade it. We were able to work out a deal where we moved to an 03, with no out of pocket money whatsoever and payments very close to what we pay now. Of course there is a catch, we financed it an additional year longer than the current loan we had. It is a trade off, but for the next 3 years or so we will be covered as far as car issues go and then after that I can bite the bullet and spend the money to get out of it if I want to or just ride it out till the end. Here is a pic of it.

The physical labor for the weekend was pretty mild in comparison to what we have tackled recently. We mowed grass, that’s it.

Yesterday, I was showing my mom some of the blooming plants in our little fish pond next to our house. I walked away and she was still checking them out. She called me back, with urgency. She pointed and said “What is that??!!!” It was a baby alligator! Somehow it found it’s way into our little pond. We called animal control but they said they have to be 4 feet to come and get them! So I guess I will be doing some gator removal tonight. Here are some pics of it.

We had a little Memorial Day get together at our house on Monday. We invited a couple we are friends with and our next door neighbors. Instead of a traditional Memorial Day cookout, my mom wanted to do a big sit down dinner. It was almost Easter-like. It was non-traditional but veerrry. good. Ate like a pig.

I filled in the gaps of the weekend flying my rc planes, playing with the xbox and watching some of our huge collection of Tivo’d television shows.

I watched the last part of the 3rd Indiana Jones movie and got to see another one of my favorite moments. It’s when they are in the room with all the golden cups and they have to pick the correct one. The bad guy chooses a lavish one, takes a big drink and then turns into a pile of dust in a few seconds. Afterwards, the knight guarding the room, simply says “He chose……… poorly.” Dunno I just like that moment. 🙂

I forgot to mention last week that the woman that consulted us on the Invisalign braces told us how they “Computerly digitize the teeth…” Hahahahaha

Short week. Good.