Baseball, kids, bad dreams, the list goes on and on…

Another weekend hits the books. Some ups and downs. On Saturday we had housework galore to get through as well as grass to mow. We got it all done and cleaned up to go to the Florida State League All Star Game. It was pouring down rain the entire way there. They cancelled the homerun derby and wound up starting the game 45 minutes late. We had great seats. As we sat there, we got to do a lot of people watching. First thing that caught our eye were the 2 families within 5 feet of us. The kids in both of these families were at the baseball game, PLAYING THEIR GAMEBOYS. The entire time…. I am a video game junkie, I have played them all my life but this crossed the line even for me. How pathetic is it that a kid is at a baseball game playing a video game? Ridiculous. These same kids were both obese and were happily fed junk food and soda by their parents. The entire park was filled with obese children. I read in the paper that 1 in 3 children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes due to the horrendous eating habits and lack of exercise that plagues youth (and adults) today. That is flabbergasting, 1 in 3. I blame ignorant parents. Oh well enough of that. The other standout moment was the gentleman that brought a bell with. The type of bell they ring at a boxing match. Everytime someone from the minor league Dodgers team did something he would be banging the bell. It was really funny to watch. We bowed out after the 5th inning. Baseball is a lot more fun to play than to watch.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time on the puter getting some stuff done I have been meaning to. I ripped off stills and video from our Fort Myers vball tournament. You can see them here.

The weekend was warm and humid, both days we had some hellacious thunderstorms. We lost power for about an hour and a half on Saturday. We had more run ins with some new creatures. Ali found a baby snake, later my mom found what appeared to be the snakes mother. It is a type that I have not seen on our property before. I hope to have snake expert Tim identify it for me. 🙂 I also saw my first field mouse in Florida. We also seem to have adopted a permanent rabbit friend that hangs in the yard all the time.

I paid the bills Sunday night. I paid off the bills from our most expensive month of expenditures I can ever recall. We bought and did so much stuff in May it is staggering. I am in spending hibernation until further notice.

I have been sleeping abnormally solid recently, a full nights sleep with no interruptions. Last night the streak was broken. I woke up at 4am and was unable to fall back asleep. My mind went into the dreaded state where I do nothing but recollect things. I remember past events and how long ago they seem, which makes think about old age and how depressing it all is and then I jump to another memory that continues the cycle. I try to clear my head and remind myself how tired I am but it doesn’t help. Life would be so much simpler for me if I didn’t have to dwell on mortality and getting old. It really gets to be a drag.

Did anyone else imagine the homes they would show in Tide commercials were the ideal home growing up? This was another thing that ran through my head this morning. I remember seeing the laundry detergent , household product commercials growing up and imagining that was how I wanted my household to be. Weird.

The next 3 weeks are all short weeks. This weekend we go home so I can play in the Pottstown Rumble. The following weekend, my sisters wedding in Arizona. I wont be working a full week until July 7th. 🙂