A rare weekend entry, DURING the weekend

Early Saturday morning and I thought I would drop in a quick entry. Yesterday was the 4th and we had a good one. We got to see the HULK! Ali was not thrilled about the idea of this movie but she humored me and went with. The movie got lots of bad press before it’s release from people that saw a pirated copy off the internet. However, Rich went to see it and liked it. I liked it too! The special effects that some said were bad, were fantastic in my opinion! The interaction between the HULK and the real life objects was incredible. I think my favorite scene is when he beats up a bunch of tanks. The movie went a little long and the ending was bit on the stupid side but overall I enjoyed it and was glad I went. Next up Terminator 3!

Last night we took my mom out to dinner and then headed down to the beach to watch the fireworks over the gulf at Naples pier. The weather looked very forboding. We watched a big thunderstorm come right up towards us and then just barely miss us as it headed out to the water. Out on the water it looked like a miniature city from the lights of all the boats that were anchored to see the show. The actual fireworks show was great. Better than last year.

In a related story, we left the puppy out of her crate the entire time we were gone last night. A major first. The only damage was from her digging into the base of a chair that I removed the cushion from. If I wouldn’t have removed the cushion there probably would have been no damage. She gets a solid B+ for behavior.

I’m off to do battle with the grass followed with a pressure washer session on the back lanai. Wish me luck.