4 days with nowhere to go!

I had a treat these past 4 days. 4 days off with nowhere in particular to go! I really enjoyed it. My wife was out of town so I had pretty much total free reign to do what I felt like. The past few weeks we have had time off but it was spent traveling here and there so it wasn’t much of a “vacation”. I took off Monday and Tuesday to use up my vacation which rolls over next month. I spent Saturday busting my ass trying to get a bunch of stuff done. I mowed all 3 acres and did several other outdoor projects. On Sunday, I did fewer projects and went to the beach for a little bit. On Monday I screwed off almost all day and then on Tuesday I had to pick up Ali at the airport. It was a good time.

A lot of my screw off time was in fact spent playing a new computer game I got called the Frozen Throne. It is an expansion to another game I already own. It is FANTASTIC. Highly involving like a good book. I spent at least 12 hours on it so far, maybe more. If you like RTS games I would recommend it.

I also bought a big pack of a special type of bulk foam that is normally used in home construction. However it also happens to be excellent raw material for building your own foam airplanes. I now have enough to make at least 12 planes. However I am having a hard time finding another raw material needed for this project. Cheap carbon fiber arrows. The arrow shafts are used as reenforcement for the wing. Walmart sometimes has these available at 3 bucks a pop. I checked the 2 local Walmarts. No dice. I’ll be looking for more sources. I’ll document my build process as it goes.

This weekend I am playing in another scramble style golf tournament. If it is anything like the last one I played it should be a great time.