Archives August 2003

Dirt cheap hosting

Wow I am getting another upgrade on my hosting account. For 25 bucks a month I get 2 GIGS of space and 50 GIG of monthly transfer traffic! Damn! When I outsourced my hosting a year or two back, that same 25 bucks got me 500 meg and 20 gig of transfer. If you are looking for some quality hosting I suggest you check out my bud Homey’s business, Talon Networks. He’ll hook you up.

Invisalign, Labor Day

Day 2 of having invisalign braces. I slept fine with them in and woke up today with minimal mouth pain. Ali’s feeling it a bit more than I am but nothing terrible. People really can’t tell you are wearing them unless you get in their face and show them.

It’s Friday before a 3 day weekend! One of the best feelings is the day of work prior to an extended weekend! Not much beats it in my book. I am planning for our Labor Day to be anything but laborious. Unlike the past few years where we normally wound up busting ass all labor day weekend, I would like to keep the amount of work to a minimum this time. Some yard work, minor cleaning and sealing the grout is all I need to get done. It will be awesome to have the kitchen back together.

Invisalign preliminary report

Our inivisalign braces are now in. The process was painless, open your mouth and snap them in. They feel like a really tight mouthguard. The first 72 hours will probably be the worst as far as the soreness is concerned. Talking with them in takes a little adjusting as well. You can not eat with them in so it should cut down on unnecessary snacking as well as improved oral hygiene since you need to brush your teeth everytime you take them out and back in. I saw the computer models of my teeth in the office. They are very crooked and some of the teeth will be moving a long way (in tooth terms) during the 18 month treatment. From more than 2 or 3 feet away you really can’t even tell I have them in, pretty cool.

Tile information overload, Paradise Hotel, B -day

I’ve been deluged with tile information, suggestions, and opinions. Seal, don’t seal, use silicone caulk, don’t use it, wet cure the grout, don’t, wait 3 weeks to seal, wait 3 days….. This is the final decision, we DID wet cure the grout (after all the bag says to), we WILL seal after 5 days, and we will seal just the grout and not the tile itself since it is a glazed tile. Don’t like it? Tough.

Paradise Hotel, the only steady reality TV we are watching currently is finally winding down. It really stands out from most shows because basically there are no rules. It appears that every week the producers seem to get together and figure out what can they do to create drama on the show and then do it whether or not it is fair and/or makes sense. It seems that now, all of the people that have been booted are ALL coming back to raise all sorts of hell with those who are left. It should be good fun. Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 on FOX.

Today is B-day, braces day, we both get our invisalign braces slapped on today. I probably will have a sore mouth for the next week or so. We are anxious to finally get this done. 18 months from now it will all be over, hopefully.


I’ve had fishy for a long time now, probably close to a year. He has had several episodes where I thought he was going to die. I was able to resurrect him through some treatment. This time I think it might just be old age. From what I read, fish don’t live much past 2 years old. He has just sat at the bottom of his tank basically for the better part of 2 weeks. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t want to do anything. Part of me feels like I should put him out of his misery but a bigger part would rather not and see if he snaps out of it since he has before. Feel bad for the little guy. I’ve tried all my tricks with no success. 🙁

What the?

Yep it looks different huh? I switched to a new blogging program. It is more flexible than what I was running, allows for multiple users and multiple blogs. As you can see from my links area, I have added some additional people already. 🙂 I also was able to migrate all of my old messages to here so you can still search all of my prior idiocy.

Blog on!

Tile climax, Freddy vs Jason

I’ve been getting up early to spray the grout lines with water for the past 2 days in anticipation of the final sealing of the tile tomorrow. I can’t wait to be able to move the fridge back into the kitchen and get back to “normal”.

I’ve been trying to find someone to go see Freddy vs Jason with me but I don’t know anyone down here that enjoys that type of movie. I used to watch all of the Freddy movies growing up. They used to scare the hell out of me but I would keep coming back for more. I only saw 1 or 2 of the Jason movies. I might have to wait for it to come out on video or bite the bullet and go see it myself.

I was playing more Frozen Throne last night and came up against a player with the handle RAPISTWITHAIDS. A truly repulsive handle and surely the person that chose it was a first class lowlife. I was very motivated to beat the scumbag. I did.

3 day weekend coming up.