Weekend rating solid B

This weekend had it’s ups and downs like most but I enjoyed it. Saturday morning I was woken abruptly at about 6:20 am by the dog scratching and whining at the door. It startled and angered me. So I shot out of bed told the dog to be quiet and then found my mom outside smoking. I asked her if she could keep an eye on the dog if she is going to let her out so she isn’t waking me up on a weekend. My mom was a bit mad at my mini-tirade but I tried to reason with her that if I saw the dog carrying on at her dor and she was asleep I would do something to either quiet the dog or stick it outside so it isn’t such a bother. After that the rest of the morning I was in a pretty bad mood as we had to do the house cleaning. I helped my buddy move his stuff to an extravagant storage unit for a few hours. After that, it was pretty much raining all day off and on so we weren’t missing a lot by staying inside.

Late in the day I asked Ali if she wanted to go to dinner at PF Changs and meet my mom there. She agreed and we went down to meet mom. Well she was in the middle of a big sale. Her biggest sale since she started her job. We didn’t mind waiting and walked the store for awhile. She finished up and we had a nice dinner. If you never had lettuce wraps, you should try them, VERY good. PF Changs meal prices are very reasonable but their alcohol prices are not! 2 glasses of wine and a light beer set me back 17 bucks, sheesh! Mom’s mood was noticeably better and more upbeat the rest of the weekend. I guess making a big sale will do that for ya.

We held off on mowing the grass Saturday because we wanted to see if some of the water would dry up so we could do it all on Sunday. No such luck, as a result of the Saturday rain it was actually more of a mess on Sunday. We mowed anyway, mowing equal parts water and grass. The mower looks like it was 4 wheeling after a session like this so I gave it a bath afterward. It wasnt that hot on Sunday (mid to upper 80’s) but the humidity was off the charts. I was simply walking around with the weed whacker and literally had streams of sweat coming off me. Very muggy even by Florida standards.

I crashed not one but two of my airplanes yesterday. First I was bringing in my SW400 for landing. I wanted to land it close to me because of standing water on my property and didn’t want get it wet. So I am bringing it in close to me, I am facing it, get disoriented and take a direct hit on my shoulder as I duck out of the way! 🙂 It bounces off of me and dumps into the trench filled with water! I quickly grab it. It landed battery side down so the electronics appear to be ok. Grrrr. Have a black & blue mark where I got nailed.

Later I take my bluecor beast out to give it a whirl with a different prop. Hmmm a bit windy but what the heck? I toss it up and everything is fine. The the wind kicks up. My low tech tape down equipment door blows upen and I start getting glitching. It goes down out of my sight in front of the house. I cut the power and hope for the best. I heard the big thump as it hit down. The walk of shame wasn’t bad. The motor released from it’s tie wrap mount and there was some minor foam damage, nothing bad. Closer inspection revealed that one of my servos apparently died in the crash. Oh well. One of these days I will learn, one of these days….

The rest of my Sunday was primarily a geek fest with me playing close to 20 games of Frozen Throne. I got tired of getting slaughtered so I put some effort into at least playing competitively. It paid off sort of with my record now hovering close to .500 or so. I really enjoy the game.

Tonight the Eagles have their first preseason game. I hope to catch at least the first part of it when the first teamers play a series or two.