Friday is here
A quick 3 day week, I could get used to it. Last night I put my homemade plane back in the air. I found out through some RC message boards that I had the propellor on backwards! Reversing it made a big difference in it’s flying capabilities! Much better. It’s very cool since I can build one for about 5 bucks in materials. (plus electronics) I hope to do more tweaking this weekend.
My slate is full this weekend as there is a long list of things to do. Ali always hates it when I have a long list. I tell her to not worry about it, that I will do it all. She refuses to take that answer since she feels guilty when I do nothing but bust ass all weekend. Leads into all sorts of other issues, argh.
I caught the puppy in the act of attempting to start yet another hole in the vinyl floor last night. I snuck up behind her and wailed her on the ass and screamed NO! She yelped and ran away. Ali thought it was extreme but obviously her method of firmly scolding was not registering with the dog. Hopefully my method works. A little fear is a good thing in a pet / owner relastionship in my opinion. If they don’t respect your discipline they have no reason to heed it.
Mom has almost 2 weeks under her belt at the new job. She seems to be slowly getting accomodated. She complains but not as bitterly as early on. I hope she sticks with it because in the long run, the benefits this place offers could really be helpful to someone in her position.
My left shoulder is still sore as hell from playing volleyball. I flat out can’t do a lot of stuff at the gym I normally do and my evening push up regimen is on hold till this thing gets better. I was dumb and did chest exercises on Wednesday even though it was painful to do so. Probably did more harm than good.
Watched some preseason NFL football last night! Love it, can’t wait for the real deal to start. Go Eagles!