Rundown, Cruisin, RIP Goatee, Eagles
Over the weekend we saw The Rundown with the Rock. It was a very entertaining flick. We both enjoyed it, good action, good effects and some very funny moments. We snuck it in before the Eagles game Sunday.
Speaking of the Eagles, they won. McNabb still was fantastically average and is still firmly entrenched as one of the 3 lowest rated QB’s in the league. However, again, they won and I didn’t expect them to so I can’t complain. If I have to chose between looking good and winning, I’ll take the W.
Today is the last day in the life of my goatee. It still looks dumb. I noticed I have gray hairs popping out of my face as well, great.
I am shaving it because we leave for our cruise in a couple days. Ali does not like facial hair so it would be counter productive to be sporting one during something romantic like a cruise I suppose. I am looking forward to it. I hope it lives up to the hype and that we don’t have one of those “sick” ships.
I got a new puter to use as my server at home. Last year I got a REAL server. A dual processor rack mount unit with tons of memory and big hard drives. It was cool, at first. Over time it has become less desireable for several reasons. It’s large, takes up a lot of space from the rack I have it in, is noisy, sucks a LOT of electricty, throws heat into the room and really is just totally overkill for what I use it for. So, this weekend I bought the cheapest new desktop I could find to replace it. I got a little Compaq 2.4 ghz Celeron box that will work just fine. I’ll be able to have it under my desk on an A/B video switch. No fuss, no muss and it will work just fine. I am going to try to refresh the software on this box by going with Windoes Server 2003 and Exchange 2003 hopefully. I plan on selling my old box to recoup the expense, should be a bout break even. All of this space saving, energy saving and straightening up will score me big brownie points with the wife.
Why don’t you fire up the web cam so the rest of us can see just how disturbing that goatee has gotten?! Come on, I need a confidence boost and seeing live shots of your enoumous melon with its vast expanses of flesh between fur patches helps in that area. I don’t know how you can sit through an Eagles game…they’re horrible….supposed to be pros and look that bad…can’t support them. It’s like continuing to buy groceries at a place with no refrigeration just because it’s conveniently located…yea, that’s what it’s like.