November Rain (not the song), near tragedy averted

November is typically the start of our dry season. The humidity eases, the temperatures moderate and rain is light and infrequent. In the past few days we have reverted back to a summer like pattern. We got enough rain that we are once again underwater at home, something I don’t ever remember happening in November. Well at least the garden is taking off as a result.

Another typically summertime event happened last night. We lost power. We lost it just as my mom was getting ready to boil the water for the rigatoni. So we dug out the candles and flashlights. Luckily our gas grill has a side burner attachment so we were able to boil the water on it. My mom attempted to toast the garlic bread on the burner by sitting the bread on top of some aluminum foil. That experiment didn’t go well as the bread smoked in less than a minute. We had a nice dinner outside by candles.

I was starting to get nervous though because Thursday is Survivor night. No power could seriously put a damper on our Survivor viewing. I remembered that we have one of those mini pocket tv’s sitting around somewhere. I was on a mission. I haven’t used it in almost a year. So I am searching the house with a flashlight. I’m not having any luck. I am searching the same areas twice thinking I may have missed it. Finally I find it tucked away in a spare bedroom! So our emergency plan was in place, if power was still out at 8 we could huddle around this 2 inch screen and get our fix. 🙂 The crisis was averted when almost on cue at 8 oclock, the lights snapped back on. Whew. Another great show.

Tomorrow I will be crawling out of bed around 4am for my flight up to Milwaukee. Yawn…. as fun as this weekend will be, one thing I don’t think it will be is restful. Look forward to my Wednesday report.