Archives November 2003


Naples forecast for Monday

Partly Cloudy

High: 84
Low: 67

Green Bay forecast for Monday

Rain/Snow Showers

High: 40
Low: 38

Hopefully I’ll be too drunk to feel it.

They’re coming…..

The snowbirds are coming, the snowbirds are coming! The restaurants are filling up, the shopping plazas are dotted with gray heads moving slowly about, and the roads are backing up with elderly motorists going 5 mph under the speed limit in the passing lane. Yay!!!!!!!

More mystery fish, traffic

I was walking the dog this morning and in the middle of the yard was another one of those mystery catfish. Not near any standing water. It rained a decent amount yesterday. So either this dropped from the clouds or was dropped by a bird. Never thought I would have fish in the yard. So odd.

The past 24 hours has been a traffic nightmare. On my way home last night our main road was blocked by an oil spill and related accidents, I got redirected 3 times to get around it, a 30 minute trip took 75 minutes. This morning for no apparent reason other than the fact the road was wet, the morning commute took 75 minutes. It’s really wearing thin on me. I find myself cursing out total strangers in other cars for no other reason than they are contributing to the gridlock that is making me miserable. Of course I know it’s silly but I do it anyway. And don’t get me started on dump trucks, those god damn dump trucks@!!!!! HATE THEM.

Hallowbust, bunch of other junk..

We rushed home to prepare for trick or treaters. Last year we didn’t get a lot, maybe a dozen, but still we wanted to be prepared. We(I) actually put out Halloween decorations this year. We carved the pumpkin. I put away the groceries quickly and then lit the pumpkin and waited for the kiddies to arrive. Perhaps our pumpkin wasn’t sincere enough (Charlie Brown fans understand) At 10 pm I blew out the candle in the pumpkin with a grand total of ZERO visitors. Disappointing. Our street and connecting side streets has over 200 homes on them, many, many kids live in them. Oh well. Perhaps in today’s fear filled world, coventional trick or treating is seen as just too darn dangerous. Sigh…….

Alison had to work on Saturday so you would figure I would enjoy the time to myself, do something fun. Of course not, instead I spent most of the day cleaning the house and doing chores. I had some screw off time where I watched an episode of Playmakers and some other stuff but basically I hustled most of the day. Not really complaining because if I didn’t do anything I’d feel like a bum.

Our pool is still green although a light shade of it. We have thrown enough chemicals in it to kill a small army but it still isn’t totally clean. I’ve had to clean out the pool filter 4 times clearing out all the junk that is in the water. Hopefully it will be cleared up this week.

This weekend I relocated 3 pygmy rattle snakes as well as spotting 3 black racer snakes. Ali HATES snakes, they freak her out. She hates them enough that she actually talked about the idea of moving to a development. I was never determined to live out where we do, that was much more of her thing, she wanted the space. I’ve always been open to living in a more community type area (development) but for totally different reasons than her. She would want to do it because of snakes and having sidewalks to walk the dog. I would want to do it to be closer to work and “stuff” as well as relieving myself of the financial and labor responsibilities of living in a single familiy home with almost 3 acres of land. However in reality, I doubt that it would actually happen. I have so much invested in that house emotionally, financially and sweat, it would be very hard to walk way from. If the house would ever be up for sale it won’t be for any of the reasons listed above.

The Eagles won again. As bad as things have been, they are 5-3 halfway through the season. The offense actually performed well, albeit against one of the worst defenses in the league. Maybe there is hope yet. I will see my team first hand this upcoming monday night at Green Bay. One of those once in a lifetime things that I’m sure many stories will come out of. I leave early Saturday morning and return Tuesday.

I’ve been slowly working on getting a model Cessna RC airplane ready to fly that my buddy Mike gave me before he shipped out to Colorado. He painstakingly built it from scratch. It’s very realsitic and even includes working marker lights. I finally have all the components I need to get it in the air, however I am very nervous to fly it. I will feel like shit if I crash the thing and it is so light, it needs to be flown in near zero wind conditions. It was too windy to fly it this weekend. I’ll take the plunge soon. Instead of flying the Cessna I threw my flying wing in the air. It is literally a bat out of hell. I take it up a thousand feet and power dive it and then pull out low. It sounds so cool as it screams overhead. I buzz the surrounding houses. It’s fun.

My buddy Chuck got me a copy of Max Payne 2. I put in a few hours with that as well over the weekend. If you liked the first one, you’ll like the second one. It is basically the same thing with enhanced graphics. Personally I never get tired of shooting lots of baddies so I am enjoying the game.

My old server went for 336 on ebay. 3 dollars less than the BUY IT NOW price I started it at. I’m happy with getting that for it. Shipping that beast will be a challenge.

Somehow, believe it or not, I know there are other things that I thought about the weekend that would make good blog material but it escapes me now. I seriously have some sort of issue in my brain that is going on. Makes me speak poorly at times, forget shit that I should easily remember. Sometimes I even “misspeak” while typing, scary. I hope I kick the bucket before I can’t remember what day of the week it is. How miserable.